Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

Mages can blink out of intercept. A mage can kill a warrior using nothing but blink and rank 1 frostbolt (assuming no consumables/engineering/etc) as long as the mage gets a hit on the warrior before they can charge.

No, it runs on the same client as classic era and classic hardcore, they are not making changes to your class outside of runes.

The whole point of runes was to allow them to make changes for a experimental vanilla+ to see if it will be profitable or not.

They will not make changes to the base gameā€¦as it would make changes to the other vanilla clients.

They are not making a custom client version just for SOD, already been stated by the developers.

You donā€™t seem to understand, with a combat charge you canā€™t complain about not being able to charge. You could go for some other good rune too.

Warbringer baseline would be too strong. Itā€™s already strong as is

No-one with an IQ above room temp is going to take anything but warbringer for pvp. If you think they are, wellā€¦

Well Iā€™ll tell you what, life is full of choices.
You neednā€™t have 2+ combat charges out of runes.

Youā€™re just telling me you donā€™t understand pvp at all. And arenā€™t very smart. So Iā€™ll just perma-mute because talking to dumb people is boring.

yes, but warriors in wrath also have the talent ā€œjuggernautā€ that also allows charging in combat.

This is cope.

Thatā€™s not a problem. Itā€™s supposed to be really good. Itā€™s the original Warbringer.

Lets just all agree that not being able to use Charge in combat was a failed design. Meta Locks should be able to use charge in combat.

i donā€™t think itā€™s failed design exactly since warriors do eventually get intercept, pvp a aside though tanks do need a gap closer as taunt is now melee range only, for the same reason i gree meta locks need to charge in combat as their taunt is also melee range only.

Also failed design. Vanilla Class design just wasnā€™t very good even though itā€™s a great MMO. Eventually it got fixed in TBC some but Class design hit a pinnacle in Wrath.

For me Iā€™m hoping we have many abilities and Class design from several expansions to create something fun, new and exciting. Looking forward to the new runes next phase.

No, I donā€™t think I will agree with this lol

Thatā€™s fine but itā€™s one of the reasons I donā€™t play Vanilla Era. Warrior design is mostly trash till Wrath. When they actually get a fun tool kit. Spell reflect, 2 silences, etc.

Iā€™m sorry but it just makes no sense for charge to not work in combat it was always and oversight. A Warrior is a relentless combatant and should be in your face. They should bounce spells back at you, break silly roots and smash their enemies with their mighty shield.

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thatā€™s actually an insane take. warriors are #1 in og classic and even now in sod. warbringer alone is enough to make wars op in 1v1 against any class by far. wait until 40,50 and 60, warbringer is all warriors needed to become gods in pvp

Warriors can hold their own with warbringer but #1 against any class? I dunno about that

How are you killing a paladin who can bubble heal or LOH or a priest who has fear (Canā€™t break fear even with trinket at lvl 25 on a warrior) I wonder?

Iā€™ve killed these classes but they are brutal matchups

My take? No itā€™s not. Warriors design is trash till Wrath. They have no utility, healing and lack the depth to have engaging gameplay/counterplay.

Their design is still trash. Having good Dps in a raid isnā€™t good Class design. Hope you understand that.

Yea I canā€™t wait for Glad stance. I want to do HUGE Shield Slams and fun sword and board Dps again. Hopefully the also fix Warriors terrible design by then too with other runes. Need spell reflect, victory rush healing and MoP second wind please.

If weā€™re talking PvP, we have MS and hamstring. Both providing huge utility.

If weā€™re talking PvE, we have top tier damage and top tier tanking. Utility wise they provide sunder armor, battle shout, taunt, and the ability to shield wall.

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this is just not the phase for warriors in pvp, later on warbringer will become an extremely potent rune and having it baseline might be OP (depending on what other classes get, might devolve into a retail arms race)

Iā€™ve just rolled a mage for this phase, warrior just doesnā€™t have enough of its kit to be fun, at a bare minimum it needs berserker stance, whirlwind, berserker rage and pummel to be any fun in pvp.

Thatā€™s not utility. Thatā€™s bare bones needing some love.

Utility is 2 stuns, fear, pummel, shield bash, ranged silence, 10 sec spell reflect, shattering throw, blood craze, second wind, enrage regen. etcā€¦ You getting the picture?

Vanilla Class design is trash for everyone and Warriors design is one of the worst. The gameplay isnā€™t engaging and they have no tools for good counterplay.

Which is why Iā€™m hoping SOD really brings in drastic changes with a lot of flavor and variety to create a new game and experience.

Yea itā€™s Season 8 in Wrath in ICC gear. Vanilla isnā€™t the expansion but hopefully the new runes gives us lots of Wrath, WoD and MoP utility.

Final Note- I hope Iā€™m making this clear. I donā€™t play Vanilla because of terrible Class design. Iā€™m here for SOD and to support Classic +. Iā€™m here for a completely different game experience. I donā€™t want it to be like Vanilla at all. Iā€™m looking for WoW 2.

So gives warriors about 6 new abilities and some healing with Warbringer and the Class design could be fun by the final phase. Glad stance here we come.