Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

No, mages just poly until the fap runs out. A good frost mage will never lose to a warrior.

without it warrior is trash in phase one. with it, warriors are still trash in phase 1. all this does is keeps every other class from dunking on a warrior within the first seconds of a fight. If you die to a warrior after his one and only charge per cooldown, then youre just bad, especially given the huge advantages that literally every class has over warrior right now. But if you want to be serious and not just baselessly complain, how about we adress sunfire ferals, unkillable disc priests, warlock tanks that take a full group to get down and 2 shot paladins? one shot rogues? do you even play SoD?

Or preemptively nerf mortal strike damage by 80%

If you find yourself saying anything along the lines of, “It’s always been like that in vanilla,” or “Class X has always . . .” delete your post. This is SoD. Throw all of that out the window. All of the classes should be fun to play, and right now I urge any of the haters to roll a Warrior and try it for yourself.


I want to PvP as a Warrior, but can’t Warrior nor PvP: A Thread

When 2H runes for DPS “viability” drop, we’re all gonna be sadge. It’s going to be great and terrible but also great.

Sucks to have to choose between Flagellation or Warbringer…

I mean easy enough to switch back and forth but a static option would be lovely…

U can have all of this when play hunter, so go and play))
Different gameplay, better class desing is all here)

I’d like for them to give Warrior good design though. Maybe when Glad stance and the new runes arrive. Hopefully they add some depth as discussed.

Would love for some MoP Second wind, Victory rush healing on a 15 sec CD, Spell reflect maybe heroic throw.

get out of town

lol ridiculous idea. Wait a phase and you can get intercept if you wanna keep your 25% damage boost and have an incombat charge.

The problem with warbringer is in literally one phase it will be absolutely insane. It’s hard to buff something now that will be so meta breaking for warrior in classic. The ability to have 2 gap closers that aren’t stance dependent and removes all roots and slows paired with the upfront burst of mortal strike and whirlwind is just insane to think of. Warriors use to have to use FAP to get mobility and even then they couldn’t use both gap closers. Making something so powerful baseline opening up them getting something like flagellation for free on pvp. It would just absolutely break the game in terms of balance.

Just leave it alone and accept being kind of mid. Enhance feels like an absolute meh experience if you don’t just play tank runes and run the flag since we don’t have windfury. Some of us just have to wait to have fun I suppose. Rogues I hear also kinda suck to play with 0 of your stuns.

Don’t need a FAP with Warbringer

3 gap closers… we will get intervene at some point if the Warbringer tooltip is to be believed

That was my point. It’s not breaking too much with Classic; you could already achieve the same thing with a FAP

Not at all.

Without Warbringer: press blink once and the Warrior can’t close gap, ever. Can’t use charge in combat.

Intercept, bro

Don’t have it at level 25

Weren’t you crying about Wrath era servers for like a month? Lmao. Welcome to SoD

Nerf everybody. Nobody is allowed to deal high damage small numbers only. 20 minute duels please.

And this right here is how you get your class nerfed. Warbringer as a rune is already going to be OP enough down the road.

I see some shredders and murloks in your future :crystal_ball: