Please Remove Warbringer Rune From Warriors

Geriatric boomer hands wrote this :joy:

Good joke, i havent heard that. did you think of that yourself?

either clueless or troll post, might be both

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As a warrior main, no. What other rune are you going to even run in that slot anyways?

Bladestorm and titans grip

You’re just bad. Skill issue

Are those available in the chest slot? No. Each phase is adding new runes to new slots, not adding runes to previous slots

As, much as I’d love to speeeeeeen or have titan’s grip. blizzard just isnt that fun. It’d be hilarious if they did though. But, they dont warriors to be meta still. I will, still hope on the arrival of 2 of my favorite talents.

pfft, completely ignored by blizzard who only hears warrior forum QQ… I submit as irrefutable evidence; patch 2.0.10

dear blizzard; as a warrior; nerf warriors NOAW!!!eleventyone

sorry but you guys deserve to be garbage in pvp for your amazing scaling and dps


They can’t man it would change era. It has to be a rune.

It should be one of the easier runes to get though. Locking it behind rep is just mean.

Non PVP related but its annoying what puts you into combat while doing dungeons. Shouldn’t have to use a rune to get rid of this. I don’t know how many times I try to use Charge and it greys out before I do anything. Without charge you basically have to autoattack something to get any rage. When your in a dungeon and trash dies in seconds that leaves you looking like a jerk.

If druids lose to you, they’re bad. If mages lose to you, congrats, they just faced a warrior that has a FAP. It was the same in classic; a FAP warrior bear a mage.

Not to mention Hunters are a tank spec now. Pet tanks are more legitimate than Rogue tanks / mage healers.

This is only an issue at 25. Once we get berserker stance and intercept there’ll be less of a mandatory need to take warbringer.

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No, you’ll be more than just fine without it. Until then find a paladin to give you freedoms and heals, like warriors have always done.

Who cares about pvp i dont this rune for tanking dungeons

Vanilla warriors were designed to be supported. That’s why they’re one of the weakest 1v1 classes and one of the strongest group classes. If they can’t be kited that balance goes out the window.

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I’m not gonna lie in phase 2 remove warbringer runes posts will be made and it won’t be to make them baselines, it will be because warriors will become pinballs of death that will be near impossible to peal off anything without out right killing it.


No, then it will be even better.