Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

My original post on this thread was to that hunter, not you. Besides, you can do Burning Crusade Timewalking. You can do the content in retail. Go play Endless. But don’t bring the boost to Classic TBC.


Fun is subjective. I didn’t find it fun. I have no friends playing Classic.

And you can level 1-60 on the Vanilla Classic servers that will be going up at the same time the current Classic servers roll over to TBC

Sorry to hear that buddy.

I get that, but it just doesn’t fly with me how i’ve played this game since release and there were no paid boosts. Now my server is gonna have paid boosts? Anyways give me TBC, boosts, and let’s get on with our day.

tripple? I doubt it.

Bot banns are typically done in waves every few months.

lets say a typical bot survives 2 months.

60 days.

so, without a boost. that is 5 days levelling, 55 days grinding gold.

With a boost, that is 1-2 days levelling, 58-59 days grinding gold.

hardly triple.

its not even close to double.

or even 50% more.

a boost marginally increases the activity of any given bot.

its probably not even worth it for the gold selling company to spend money on the boost for their bot anyway.

it’s an unnecessary risk, as some boots DO indeed get banned very quickly.

why risk throwing away the money spent on boosting when it only gives them like… 5-10% more uptime on the bot.

i mean
which would you prefer.

player A paying blizzard to get to 58

or player A paying china to boost to 58

or player A not playing at all lol

Depends, if the ones in your third option are going to push for things that didn’t exist back then and want to change the game in to something it was not, when no I don’t mind if they don’t play.

You are one sad closed minded person, I actually feel sorry for you, but it’s quickly gone in the wind knowing how you can keep a grudge and try to be petty about things.

This is cash grab for blizzard they don’t truely care about it community they hide behind catching up to there friends but real friends help each other. The largest issue I see with this beside blizzard wanting to line there pockets is the fact that people aren’t thinking about the countless bots and farmers who are gonna be flooding the markets and farm spots. What blizzards sees the bots as free money. They might ban 1 out of 100 but blizzard wanting ants and there money and will hide behind lies. If blizzard you wanna line your pocket do it else where sell the trading card items. That is the least hurting way for blizzard to make money


Why do you keep quoting me just to talk about yourself? Are you confused? Do you need help? Who should I contact? The police? The hospital?

i, for one, want a fresh tbc server with no paid tbc boosts for my future draenei priest, AND on a normal boosting server, a boosted nelf shadow priest. then i’ll have 2 priests - a legit healing priest, leveled up the old fashioned way, and a shadow priest (who will revert to healer in wotlk) who is boosted the blizz way. :smiley:

No thanks, stick to your dead classic forever realm please.

which would I personally prefer? that lame player not playing at all lmao

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Im starting to think that the main reason these people keep screaming to get rid of boosts is because it makes them expendable. If you are a marginal player thats a healer or tank and you get exposed, one of the better players could boost and have a new 70 by next week. Some peoples raid spots might evaporate.

Don’t care what other people do with their accounts

If they wanna boost, let them boost.

It’d certainly explain why one of the most common arguments against boosting is that boosted players wouldn’t know what they’re doing, like they’re trying to devalue that player’s skill before anyone can even consider them on a raid team or something

as if Classic rotations for any class take more than 5 minutes to learn

Only if they remove all these items and gold the ‘noobs’ who got to 60 on Classic in easy mode while many of us had to put in hard work in the real thing on hard mode.

Paladins wont be able to do it nearly as efficiently.

just keep swiping your credit card honey, im sure they’ll keep feeding you gear and features that make it so you don’t have to actually play the game.