Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

It will just shift from mages to paladins

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its not 33%. Its like 17% less xp required for 20 through 60, and lvl 30-60 quests reward more xp.

Could not agree more sadly we seem to be in the minority, very disappointed in the community that people are actually for boosts but they seem to be too naive and ignorant to know how badly boosts would impact the game.


Nope. Looking forward to my boost.

I am all for Blizzard making their money… charge for name changes, charge for faction, change for cloning but for the love of god no boosts.
My reason has less of a connection to money “pay to win” and more so that people who buy a 58 have no idea how to play it. they get all these spells they have no idea how it works. why? because they didn’t start out at level 1. Then the community ends up with a player that presses only two buttons and probably the wrong button’s has no idea how to play the class they just bought.
1-58 isn’t that hard to level, people can start leveling now if they want to be ready for TBC. if you really really need to add in make a 58 toon do it a year after TBC is launched. so you don’t wreck it right away.


The only impact they will have is allowing a bigger population to take part in the first day of TBC. If you think bots “BUY” anything you are ignorant of their goals. They will just level up toons prior to TBC. If you are really worried about bots buying boosts though, just ask blizzard to make it so that you cant spend balance to boost. This would kill any and all bot boosts that would have occurred.

There are a so many resources out there that tell people how to play if someone is willing to invest the money to buy a boost they will probably be willing to spend 5 minute looking at a guide on how to play their character.

Also this is TBC there are still plenty of one button rotation classes.

Retail has already proven that level boosts have no impact on a player’s skill. A bad player will still be bad, whether they boosted or leveled normally

check polls bud, its about even

but that’s not completely the same when you boost is retail you get a trainer on the spells when you first login at least how to play the toon.
with TBC it’s not going to be the same you will just get some spells added to your bar with no training on them.
Unless Blizzard are going to add that system in with it, but i highly doubt it.

yes, and retail has complicated enough rotations on all the classes to actually warrant something like that

TBC rotations are not complicated, plain and simple. That, combined with the lack of LFD, and anyone who boosts will have to spend some time learning “oh, Frostbolt does damage, I should use that” before getting to any content that requires interacting with other players. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill

Leveling is fun, grab a friend. No excuses, you’re paying the same sub. TBC has no official date yet.


I disagree. Funny how opinions work isn’t it?

Not sure what makes you think you can make it to 70. But Blizz will offer the boost to lazy people such as yourself to make a lil more off us. The boost is coming and we’ll just have to embrace it.

My desire to play TBC

And you’re an unintelligent neanderthal

See, doesn’t it feel bad when people throw completely unfounded insults at you? Maybe instead of being hostile to people who don’t agree with you you can instead have a civil discussion and agree to disagree

Being called lazy is not equal to what you are calling him as. If anything, you just proved to be a lazy piece of :poop:.

Isn’t that funny when talking about perspective on others? And maybe you should take your own advice, you went straight to being hostile when you where triggered by the word “lazy”. Heck, you couldn’t even be civil about it.

Word of advice, try seeing from someone else’s perspective, instead of your own.


not to you, perhaps, but to me, as someone who always tries their best at what they do, to be called lazy just because I’m willing to skip irrelevant content that I don’t enjoy to get to the content I do enjoy, is incredibly insulting

I see you have a habit of missing the forest for the trees

you should follow your own advice

how boldly you lay down and take it, bravo.

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The fact that you still can’t wrap your head around the idea that other have other opinions on things is rather disturbing. I suggest you just eat some ice cream and play wow and not say anything. Might actually build some perspective and character for yourself.


hey, hey, I’m over here, stop looking in the mirror