Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

Exaclty. It seems like its a constant uphill battle with corporate greed and i’m tired of it.


I know a number of glads who are coming back to tbc only because of the boost. These players are most likely better than you and your awful friends. THE GAME IS ABOUT END GAME CONTENT, WHO CARES IF THEY GET A BOOST.


It also never had the removal of world buffs, seal of vengeance on alliance, restrictions on drums or ~15 years of knowledge, theory crafting and foresight into exactly what is coming up.

Because for as many people as will try out TBC because of the level boost not even half of them would level from scratch. Its a game, its supposed to be fun… some aspects of it are tedious or have just not aged well. I have a job and income and live in a capitalist society… shut up blizz and take my money for a level boost.

“those other people” huh… so you just dont want other people to have nice things? I would like to experience TBC content… my play time is very limited and I do not wish to grind out through vanilla for the 100th time. How does me being able to pay to skip that hurt you… other than if we meet in pvp?

If they are botting and multiboxing they are already doing this… maybe it accelerates the pace at which they can level up and sell accounts, which only brings in more players and thus is a reason blizzard should be providing this service anyway to cut out the middle man.


Please remove boosts, they are terrible for the game.


idk why i thought this was so funny. Its like you trashed that dudes friend for being awful, but because you know glads its cool LMAO. theyll quit so fast wont matter


They do nothing negative

This is TBC, not classic leveling.

They are legit skilling classic, to play tbc… how does this in any way effect anyone ina negative way??

If anything it adds population.


Its bad because these players will have played WoW for a collective 5 minutes. We now are forced to play with these players. personally i dont want to play with people who didnt play classic and boosted to TBC. What if they dont know the class? What if they didnt take time to plan keybinds and they arent used to them? i now haveto suffer because they boosted. No thanks. Give them their own server where boosted players play.

Also. How does a boosted player just start making gold? They coming into TBC broke. This sets up gold buying. Again no thanks

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To be fair, it’s prob even more authentic to the classic experience to play with a bunch of idiots who don’t know their class.

Lol had a good chuckle.

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Why would they quit? we all spam arena games and that’s what got us hooked on wow. A big arena pvp community is coming into tbc. I understand that you don’t understand, ranking in classic is about as close as you saw as “competitive” pvp LOL.

You understand how many people are bad??

Also this isnt some new game, wow is the exact same. Games been out for 15 years.

Again, people just complaining to complain about something.

You will be in Blood Furnace and the level 61 warlock with you could be boosted, you would never know.

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I respect everyone’s opinion on this, don’t believe there is a wrong opinion, and think everyone is coming from a place of love for the game. I personally like the boost. I lvl’d a zombie priest in classic and would like to play a human mage in TBC; however, I’m not in college anymore. My company is currently going through Techstars (which is a full-time commitment in and of itself, let alone trying to build a company at the same time) so my only chance of playing TBC when it launches is the boost. Howeve, I very much understand the argument for not allowing it.

Is does suck for people who’s mains were Druid and Lock (very underrepresented in vanilla) who get a big boost in TBC, now every scrub who didn’t deal with the pain will just boost one for TBC.

I mained a Druid and warlock in the original on Tichondrius, so I know what I am talking about…

Gonna be a ton of flavor of the month kids all over my favorite classes.

I love the argument “They won’t know how to play their character!”


Frost bolt
Frost bolt
Frost bolt
Frost bolt

Playing a Warlock?


Playing a holy paladin?

Holy Light
Holy Light
Holy Light
Holy Light

Classic/TBC isn’t hard, it’s the world’s easiest MMORPG with literal 1-2 button rotations, I think people who boost will be fine LOL


You must be a carebear PVE’r. It’s quite obvious by your ignorant comment.

I mean as far as PVE goes he’s not wrong.

As far as PVP goes let’s be real here most people won’t ever hit 2K.


I know I won’t! I play on a PVE server and have zero interest in ever doing any pvp

I will be doing everything and I plan to go for gladiator

Imagine thinking that just because you were able to level from 1-58 you’re a god gamer and that someone who starts at 58 will be mentally deficient at playing whatever class for all time.


I truly don’t understand the argument at all it’s the most absurd thing to be mad about.

Most of these people have to be complaining to just complain.