Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

so people making the argument to play with there friends…That’s kinda dumb. If you are truly friends that that player, you can make a new character and play along side them. Or do the whole mage boosting thing. If you can’t enjoy “the journey” with your friend, then are you truly friends?


Or we could play TBC content with friends!


you…you do know that there’s TBC content in classic content right? it was added to the classic content.


Thats fine, but my friends aren’t interested in TBC content in classic. They’re interested in Outlands content.


Then why don’t they just level up now?


Because they don’t like Vanilla and/or Classic leveling. They all consider it a slog fest thats not fun - and it would be weird to play something you consider not fun.

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There isn’t one now either. Just a flu, everythings fine lol.

To play devils advocate: Paying to boost a toon to 58 isn’t a huge problem since the “boosting” that we know from Classic will be severely hobbled in TBC-Classic if they go forward with what they did in TBC with the limitation added to AOE spells.

Now, the only thing to worry about is the early on competition for gathering mats. That is going to happen regardless though, with or without the crappy botters.

Just saying.

No /10char

The limitations are partly true and did/will change the Mage boosting that is going on now. However just like in TBC those changes did not change Paladins pulling low level dungeons and consecrating/aoe’ing. Sure not as fast, but still a lot faster than leveling normally.

I am kind of torn on the boosting. For TBC, I plan on leveling a Blood Elf Paladin, however what is going to be difficult is everyone who isn’t rolling a paladin, will have the opportunity to boost, (not that they will) meaning it will be very difficult to find groups while leveling up the paladin.

Which is 90% of the game. So only 10% of it is fun? Why play it then.

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Numbers don’t add up. Maybe 90% for you. 90% of the fun in Outlands/TBC for myself and friends is the endgame content - raids and arena with some occasional world content.

Just do a RAF-like system where XP gains are drastically increased. There could even be something similar to the boost, where only one character per account can get the XP boost.

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I disagree and welcome the 58 boost as it stands.

It preserves integrity of experience for Outland content as it starts at 58, and allows players to jump in immediately to play with friends and family, rather than having them wait to catch up and be left behind.

The chosen patch comes with quality of life changes such as lvl 30 mount (increase to leveling speed) and xp required from 10-60 reduced (increase to leveling speed).

In game boost purchases will still happen with, or without blizzard, and players will be less incentivized to spend real money on gold purchase for the sole purpose of boosting.

Too many positives to list from this really.

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it actually isn’t though when it comes to boosting. It doesn’t help anyone in the long run. It’s just short comings that will quickly fade.

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You can’t assume it will be all shortcomings. I’m sure a portion of people will boost and quit within 2 months, no doubt. I’m also sure another portion will stick around - more players the better. It does both, but probably more than not having boosts at all where some of those potential players are turned off completely.


I highly doubt that but ok. How many of the people you knew that joined tbc toughed it out to get there? A lot. If you can do it when it originally happened, especially during a pandemic, but don’t want too? Sounds like you don’t like the game at all.


So you’re seriously suggesting not a single person will boost and stick around because they wouldn’t have toughed it out? You know out of the hundreds of thousands or millions of people that will try TBC classic? Really. Fascinating.

Can’t argue here. Good luck and see you in TBC.


The coin turn ins give EXP? I did not know that, I will have to keep that in mind as I have a lot saved for if I needed to rep up an alt.