Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

Okay, you’re just trolling. Bye.

Likewise. :v:

It’s already being enabled regardless of what they do or do not. The last two phases of Classic especially taught that what players are willing to do in this day and age go far beyond the original intent of vanilla ever meant to be.

And unfortunately for a lot of people playing the “normal” way they get left behind hardcore if they want to participate in end game content.


The simplest solution is stop buying gold from bot sellers… oh wait, I forget that people don’t want to put in the effort to earn what they want. Whelp there goes that idea!


I have leveled multiple characters from 1-60 and also raid Naxx, you don’t need to boost. It’s lazy people or the ones who are fine with P2W who do it.


then the issue should be stop the botting?

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It’s only one per account and if you don’t want it don’t buy it. I don’t see how it’ll break the game in anyway.


How does it invalidate anything, the booster won’t have raid gear to start speed running dungeons with, they won’t have the gold the rest of us do. They are not taking away from my expert at all

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Well there should be no one botting or hacking or selling stuff for real money or blizzard sponsored paid “services” such as but not limited to boosting.

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Of course its possible but people will often take the path of least resistance. It’s the same with retail. Half the stuff that is done these days is because people don’t want to take the time and effort to giving someone a chance or do things the regular way.

WTB Mara Runs pst

afk at entrance

What a great deal of community interaction!!!


Then really an MMO is not the genre of them. I am tired of people who don’t enjoy fundamental aspects of a genre invading it and trying to change it. I have seen it ruin lots of games.


nah. The boost is what is bringing people into the game. I love it. I’m using it, my friends are using it, and we’re all glad it’s coming.


Well, the aspect of it has evolved over the years but overall I would kind of agree for sure.

Nonetheless it’s less on Blizzard than the players really. I personally would never buy a boost but I won’t pretend leveling is amazing either after the 10th time.

if you wanted to ‘just play bc’ back in the day you still had to level. That’s how it is and that’s how it should be.


And I think TBC should be considered a separate game, just as Classic is separate from retail. If you wanted it to be pure, then everyone should have to start from Level 1 and nothing should be carried over from Classic. Otherwise, why not just have it as an expansion of Classic?


Keep the boost, all of you crying about it for nothing.

Don’t use it, it would never effect you. In any way.

It’s there to get people to play tbc who didn’t play classic.

As great of a job as blizzard did in implementing TBC why can’t you just be happy? Why cry about something so meaningless.


Boost will not be able to play Classic
Boost will only be able to play on a TBC server.
Simple. Don’t over think.
Your level 58 can not go to a Classic Server.

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Your last sentence is on the nose - people 100% buy gold to buy boosts already. 0 community interaction, and it takes 2 days played instead of being instant. You can even buy ZG coins to level from 58-60 in an hour or less.

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Cool, can I only get 1 transmog’d character per account? Its not the end of the world.