Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

The more wow tokens they buy the more they hurt themselves by making blizzard gold selling better, they have to keep a balance and them buying 5 times as many tokens to have account + boosts will not be good for their business of selling retail gold to a degree that it won’t be worth the classic gold they make from saving a week or two of leveling. They already have far more gold in classic than they can sell based on data from their websites. They don’t have a need to buy boosts as their supply far exceeds the current demand in classic gold.

It is not worth it for bots to boost.

Exactly the main point. Some servers right now have an excess so high even if every account in the server bought gold it would not make a dent in the surplus.

It is just not financially viable or practical to spend cash or in-game gold on a boosts that nets them nothing in return except a few days of leveling time and a higher operating cost.

Not even taking the moment to consider the new servers that will come in with TBC.
Yes, there will be new servers coming in with the vast wave of new players coming in. Maybe not immediately as there are several “dead/dying” or otherwise low pop servers for them to hit first - but there will be new ones…

Let me guess, you are still convinced bots won’t boost there too hm? heh.
Anyway, if any bot company has that much gold laying around then they are not doing a good enough job selling or turning the gold around. That is why the price drops down from 30-60 bucks per 1k down to 5-8 dollars per thousand over time… It is unrealistic to believe they have that much.
A considerable stockpile, sure probably… but you really show your ignorance in these posts.

A final point, before I quit needlessly quarrelling with you because it does not add much value to the thread one way or the other…

You sit here and argue with me so vehemently… But did you forget we are sort of on the same side?
I am a pro-booster. I do NOT want them removed from TBC.
Fact is, the boost is going to draw in more players. More players supporting the classic project as a whole is a good thing!

I just want Blizzard to offer fresh servers without boosts/cash shop conveniences as an option also… There is obviously an adequate demand for it.
They did not think there was enough demand for RP realms, but they recanted and took the time to spin up some RP realms because the demand is obviously present. They can take the same approach and offer only a few realms, in select regions to begin with. Judging by the comparisons between the RP forum requests made back in the day and the current request for boost removal and for fresh servers I would wager there is even more of a demand for it than there was for RP servers…

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There are no new servers coming in with TBC. That was already announce in the Blizzcon Dev Session. TBC Launch will not have new servers.

This has already been proven to be a fact. You can go find out for yourself with a quick Google search. All current Classic servers have an extreme gold surplus.

Already responded:

^ there ya go. Feel free to save this post so you can take a few moments to reflect on it when the new servers come to life a few weeks AFTER TBC launches.


You need to go back and watch this again. This comment was made because they were asking if there would be fresh/new CLASSIC realms spun up… Question was not about fresh TBC servers at all… To which Holly (I think her name was? - I could be wrong, I am so bad with names) responded that there would be no new classic servers spun up at least until they are done focusing on a smooth TBC launch - it is something they will continue to look into as time goes on…

Either way, enjoy your boost. I will too. Feel free to continue arguing on your own ^_~


Blizzard isn’t releasing any new servers for TBC.

They’ll likely just leave layering turned on longer for TBC instead of releasing more servers, thereby increasing the amount of servers that ultimately end up dead servers.

So, if blizzard releases new servers you think they will use the boost then?

If new servers are released they will transfer bots there with hundreds of thousands of gold over the option of boosts. It’s cheaper and more efficient. If transfers are not available for the new realms for long term that might change but then, if blizzard does this they will also likely not allow boosts on that server until the realm also allows realm transfers. But hay this is all speculation.

As of right now with the known facts, bots won’t buy boosts.

theyre already boosting in classic what does retail have to do with my question?

sounds to me like you can’t answer.

Actually it sounds more like you can’t read the answer.

I already responded to this:

^ your question, just for reference so you can see “what does retail have to do with your question”

Have a great day!

I asked you why a player with a 60 on classic, would waste money on a boost, when they can just level the character up cheaper?

Your logic is still very flawed. If they are botting on classic, they already have a level 60. They aren’t using time or money to get on retail, to then get back on classic.

And to flaw the logic you will prolly say next, no they can’t play two characters at once, so there is no reason for them to boost.

Did you forget about RAF? Not only gave you 300% XP boost but also allowed you to gift levels to boost characters.


It just had RaF that give you a FREE level 60 for every 2 characters you leveled and gave you 300% bonus XP that stacked with Rested XP, was FREE to anyone, worked on all characters on any realm on the linked accounts and lasted for 90-days.

You mean no boost like that?

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Yah, your factual post in NO WAY supports their crusade. He/She/They/Them have never considered this, nor the fact that Outland with be crawling with 60’s (Many 60’s) on day one, absolutely crushing their arguments about people getting some kind of advantage on resources lol.
Plus, it’s been proven it’s more cost effective to level a bot/bots then it is to buy a single boost
You can’t reason with anyone who has taken it upon themselves to fight an imaginary crusade against an entity who does not listen to them and will do whatever they want anyway.
Sheep will be Sheep. Great point about the gifted levels btw. Forgot about that stuff.

Classic is no different. It’s so bad that any quest mob that drops anything of value is farmed 24/7. Trying to complete these quest is a exercise in frustration. TBC with be no different than current classic.

Definitely is. Your bias just won’t let you see it.

There isnt. Your bias just wont let you see it.

See? We can both have dismissive arguments!

But there is a difference between mage boosting and blizzard boost.

One floods the economic with huge amounts of gold as a byproduct of it (mage boost) causing inflation, the other does not. The blizzard boost is healthier for the economy when considering the lvl 1-58 gold generated. As it prevents dungeons from being farmed by a mage that is printing raw gold from vendor trash.

One is a player who doesnt like leveling, so he pays someone else to do it for them. And the other is a player who doesnt like leveling so he pays someone else to do it for them

From the economy standpoint you are right, the mage boost is far more detrimental to the economy, but thats a whole different discussion

Explain to me this, why would they spend the time to gather 600k or however much gold it would take to get a boost, when instead they could just level boost their characters in half the time instead through dungeons?