Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

Whatever happened to him he’s really sensitive about, be careful. Take care!

This… 100% This.

I am a pro-booster as I feel that would help get more people into the game and that is a good thing for the classic project as a whole; however, I feel the best win-win scenario is a set of servers without boosts or cash shop conveniences where that group of people can go… Just like the RP server request, I believe the desire and the demand is valid.

Only spin up a small amount, like you did for RP to test popularity. A pve/pve server on East and West and one wherever else regionally the demand may be appropriate. Both sides would be rather happy with this, I believe.


Got a small route today so I’m almost done.

Had a 16.5 hour day yesterday tho.

Just out driving my truck reading the forums.

How are you?

I can’t complain, just wrapped a 200 page section of a Thesis, so things are looking good!

Thanks for asking!

No you didn’t. You post on wow forums all day long! Bull

Wait a sec… hate to also join in the derailed, off-topic conversation but did you; as a tauren, just call Bull on someone?

Pots and kettles can totally get along… The irony!

I think there is desire there. But I think it’s also mixed with a general desire for fresh servers not necessarily boost free servers and a misguided impression that fresh servers would somehow solve problems people have with existing servers.

I think a set of seasonal servers with the option to transfer off at the end of the season would work better as a long term solution.

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Wanna bet


Imagine going to college.


Possibly, I like the idea and I am not actually opposed.

However, I am concerned seasonal would actually garner even less attention - as it infers a pay-wall at the end. A pay wall that some players may not be able to afford.

Plus building a guild around a server that has something of a projected obsoletion date similar to how the classic guilds will be disbanded when continuing over into “permanent classic” servers which are slated to release with TBC launch.
People would inherently be distracted or detracted from the thought of losing some of their new found friends or relationships due to the state of temporary environment and the uncertainty around it.

What if the transfer was free and easily handled in game and even potentially handled guilds, kind of like how choosing whether a character will be TBC Classic or Classic will work?

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It would be a great option then, I feel like.

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I disagree - the one boost is perfect for people to get back in with friends quickly to raid. Some of us are grown ups with families and careers (i.e. 40+) so this is a godsend. If I was still in my 20’s/30’s, living at home with mommy and no real commitments sure I could probably level but that’s not the case and probably isn’t for a lot us folks who were in our 30’s when wow was first released. Thank you Blizzard for some common sense and a great way to get back into it.


Thank you for your honest contribution. All too often on these forums we forget that at the end of the day, real people want to play and the Boosts is making your life easier.

Haha hey its easier spam the forums than actually playing the game, leave them alone you don’t know how hard they really have it !

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If they cant get rid of it. I think they should put boosted and non boosted servers and see which pop fairs better and which becomes more popular. Its no different to seeing which fairs better? Rp, Pvp or pve servers.


No ones forcing anyone to use a “boost” don’t like them don’t use them. I’ve used a few boosts, but I’ve been playing since vanilla. And no leveling is by no means faster in vanilla, its all grinding. Not going through that nonsense again, its completely repetitive and not fun.

Which part of “THEY DO NOT CARE” do you not understand?. Why even make an experiment? Just add the cash shop, get the cash… ez. Bobby Kotic gonna get his privates sucked thinking about all that wow money on his new yacht

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Because player priority is more important. The players are your revenue. Knowing what they want is key.

I disagree with everything you said. Leave boosts in blizz.