Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

Wrong account. My acct is inactive. This is my wifes. I stopped playing actively After WOTLK. I played Cata a good bit but it was casual pvp. Mostly I spent the entire expac queing random Bgs.

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I dont care either way.

Just funny everyone who posts on a retail account without pvp achievments but tries to trash talk others never have any achievements themselves, its always on “the other” account.

Im not trash talking anyone. I am stating facts. I played my rogue vanilla into early WOTLK and switched to Paladin form most of Wrath. During TBC I ran a huge PvP guild. It broke up early WOTLK after I was losing interest in game other than a casual basis where i just screwed around on my Paladin. I went back to my rogue in CATA. I barely played other expansions other than a decent chunk of SL where again I casually played my paladin because I hate how Rogue is in retail.

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what makes you think a bot will pay money for a service that their macbook pro does for free by itself in a couple days?

O.o That smells suspicious.

I wonder if blizzard ever thought there would be thousands of people on the forums that were against boosts. Or if they were just oblivious

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Bal, my friend, from one thread to another.

First, there are not thousands on the forums against it. And second, they are not oblivious.

Also, remember they have the results of all the “ACTUAL OFFICIAL” polls they sent out. I am sure there is some data in there.

I just think it’s funny that so many are against it when they will spend gold in classic right now and sit at the entrance of a dungeon doing nothing while being boosted.

But it’s all cool. I am glad the boost will be available. I won’t be using it, right away at least, but I am glad for those who want to play TBC and want to be at least a little caught up and ready with the rest for Kara

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I really, don’t care about progression. Or the stampede herd of people who rush to end game so they can push the end game. There’s a separate group of people who you guys tend to forget. I personally don’t have any irl friends who play the game, even though I wish i did. Buuut when people realize they can’t find a group for deadmines, they gonna be pissed.

I’m pretty sure they said it’ll cost money.

I’m all about leveling my own toons. It’s pretty likely I won’t boost any toons, unless it’s free. At any rate, I don’t see any harm in 1 boost per account.

I mean, I won’t boost either but I feel that it’s kind of not fair to people who can’t afford it… or for people who expected that not to be there in classic.


Why would they not expect it to be in classic i wonder? Deeerrrrp


It’s terrible, the idea of boosts. What the hell are they thinking?


Because of mages.

Its a great idea. I dont want to have to even think about leveling in classic. If anything there should be more then one boost.

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This is classic tbc. Those people can stay on their soon to be dead vanilla realms forever and complain about god knows what. The rest of us can play TbC.

You don’t have to level in classic. Just play the toon you’ve already leveled


Circular reasoning at its best!

Not everyone has played classic. Some have waited for TBC.

Some of us will level 1-58 because of rolling Dra/Belf. But that doesn’t mean the boost is bad for those who want to join friends in the expansion they have been waiting for.

But yea. .

Herpa derp. . just play your already, non-existent, leveled toon.


I could care less about the boost. I do not intend to use it. As mentioned, leveling will most likely be increased, so it doesn’t matter much unless you just don’t want to level as normal.

Opposed due to bots? Doesn’t really matter. Even, even IF they make a fresh level 1 and boost to 58; they still have to select a gathering skill and level it up.

Besides 1 per account, meh. Who cares.

I don’t understand that tho, like why stifle the hoof bois and pretty elves if you’re going to to offer boosts to other races. That really doesn’t make sense to me

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