Please remove the 58 boost from TBC Classic

The boost needs to be removed

While I have used some of my retail gold to put enough into the bnet account for a TBC boost, I am fairly sure that they will get some degree of negative response in the game. Those level 58-60 players in their raiding gear and level 60 mounts will see a player riding on a level 40 mount in blue gear and there very well could be putdowns because of it. I hope not, but there are people out there who look for any reason to look down on someone else.

I support the boost and would like dual specs added as well.


Except if a max level bot gets banned they will have to level up from scratch again. Which will take more time/gold than them simply flashing a credit card and purchasing a brand new character, boom they get straight back into the money making part of the game. Without the boost they’d have to level up like they do right now in Classic. I don’t know if you’ve played Classic recently but go out into the world and it won’t be hard to find a Hunter Bot with a chinese pet name. You can attack them, they won’t even fight back. We can see this and report them accordingly. However with the 58 boost the botters will have an easier time getting to max level without getting reported.

Please keep the level 58 boost. Thank you.

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At the risk of sounding controversial to the forum topic or a nay-sayer I feel I should voice something… Something of an alternative.

The boost is happening. Sorry, but it is. The income potential is too great for Activision’s Blizzard to stable the idea of not putting boosts, and potentially other monetized features into the game further down the road.

The battle-lines are clearly drawn.

At this point if you are against the boost you might have an alternative, but it requires a heavy choice:
Subscribe to the notion of “fresh tbc servers” that offer no cash shop and no transfers/boosts
Submit to the current roll-out and accept that boosts are happening. Get over it. And have fun. Do your best to be magnanimous and get over the petty squabble with the people who will be boosting on your server to play there with you.

“But it is not fair!”
“I worked hard for my stuff etc…”

Please forgive me quoting myself on this one but I believe the post is relevant here.

Forgive the laziness . I am passionate and I agree - but I am simply running out of different ways to wordsmith what is effectively the same post over and over.

If boosts are inevitable, what do you think of Blizzard releasing two types of servers? Boosted tbc servers and non boosted tbc servers?

Kind of like different types of servers like an rp pve and pvp server?

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they can’t stop bots and they know it, this is just about money and they are using bots as the excuse.

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there would be a lot more people on the non boost servers for sure, 90% of the community doesn’t want this at all.


then you should just go play retail and flounder around in BC content with Cromie.

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How can I sum up?


a. What server is this? Sounds made up (because it is)

b. 90%? Sounds made up (because it is)

What’s the word I’m looking for in response to comments like this… oh yea, gatekeeping…

so… if i dont like vanilla content why i should do that content? I just want to do tbc content. Why if i already lvl up to 60 on early days (and dont like it) why i should do it again? I know you will hate this but if want to do tbc content let me do the tbc content xd. I think just making 1 acount boost its terrible. I think they should add a lot of filters to get a boost like a “recruit a friend thing” so you could be able to recruit a guy to play tbc with you. If you already have a 60 account with more than 300 hours(based on how much time you need to play to get 60 and do some content). Or if you already have like 300 hours ingame(including retail) you will be able to get the boost. That @#$^ the bots. I hate them too. But i really dont like the vanilla content and i really like tbc and thats why i want to play tbc classic.
I like wow for the endgame and tbc journey content not for the classic journey and there’s a lot of people who think like me. They should add the boost but have a lot of restrinctions

Go away from my game! HAHAHAHA. Classic andy

Please remove level the single 58 boost and add unlimited level 60 boosts.


Blizzard is ruining the game with greedy microtransactions. We want classic not a “retail version of classic”. Add RAF if you want not, noob boosts that will make leveling a BE and Draenei only scene. Getting tired of it. Greedy A holes


Back to private servers


What microtransactions?

Yet here you are, still paying them $15/month.

Like most of the complainers, I will see you in TBC on your boosted character.

The fact you’re asking that question confirms you don’t know what that word even means so we’ll leave it at that. Lol 15/month goes to standard maintenance, every high scale quality mmo charges that