As other people have said in a number of threads about the new authenticator, it’s not just you and your situation. Security experts will tell you never to download that type of authenticator on your android phone, not even from ‘trusted’ sites like google. Also, it’s not good policy to believe any corporation will act responsibly. Especially one that has a history for not following rules/laws to protect it’s own employees and customers. For those that don’t know, even if you delete your account, blizzard is under no legal obligation to delete any information except if you live in the state of CA or live in Europe (possibly other countries outside the USA)
Do you have SMS Protect set up? The Auth setup now requires it, and if you had the Auth before the requirement you now have to add that to use the custom text feature. It also gives you 4 more backpack slots.
Of note:
- Mobile phones with prepaid plans may not work with the phone notification service.
- Phone notifications cannot be used with Voice over IP (VoIP), and VoIP numbers that are transferred to a local provider are not eligible for the service.
I wouldn’t trust Blizzard with my phone number, and I’m sure a lot of people think the same. They better think of an alternative to Phone notifications, maybe even some in-game requirement in its place. I don’t even mind the authenticator provided the app works correctly, but giving Blizz more of my personal info?, no thank you.
yeah. can you imagine? they might call you
I don’t blame you, but I am old enough that my phone number and address were handed out to everyone in a 50 mile radius in a printed book. This happened every year just in case anyone moved.
Blizz has had my number for over 8 or 10 years now. No text, no spam, no nothing. So far they have not managed to have any personal or financial info compromised. They keep that separate from the login servers.
Now, my Govt has had my very extensive personal info compromised and stolen no less than 3 times.
Finding that Blizzard has been way more secure than my Govt. colors my personal perspective a bit I suppose.
Lucky you.
Besides the point.
I’m not against the authenticator measures. I’m against nobody ever mentioning the Phone notification nonsense until after the fact, to me, they’re too different things, and one that doesn’t equals trust. Not to mention that a lot of people play overseas.
I’m merely backing up the notion to either a removal of the phone notification half-portion of authentication, or an in-game alternative. The only thing this system is doing so far is inconveniencing some players while seller posters are slowly creeping back in.
That’s because the bots are being redesigned to take the new requirements into account. Once someone has something that functions ‘good enough’ to not auto trigger blizzards bot to detect bots the flood gates will reopen and everything will be back to the way it was.
People who are all for this and try and justify it extensively horribly fail to understand that this is not going to actually stop the botspam for advertisements. It only provides a temporary speed bump for them at best and still continue to inconvenience a few actual paying customers who will stop being customers after too much inconvenience for the sake of ‘hoops for bots to be programed to auto jump’
This is me in a nutshell. I just looked in the dungeon finder a little bit ago, around 2am EST, and the dungeon finder had as much spam as it always had before. Meanwhile, I’ve logged in from the same location for the past 5+ years, and have wasted so much of my time reporting advertisements in the dungeon finder only to get punished by not being able to use the dungeon finder the way I have always been able to. I don’t know what the straw that will break the camel’s back for me, but I think I’m about done.
its like nerfing drop values in old raids “to stop gold sellers”
cause who gives a stuff about actual legit humans who play the game too. Everything must BURN TO ASH for the sake of the website spamming sellers.
As for those websites. They will be fine, it costs lawyer dollars to deal with them. MUCH cheaper to inconvenience the legitimate players
The number of posts against this change are verification that it an effective change for reducing the number of adverts.
There’s literally the same number of adverts in the dungeon finder right now for me than there were before 9.1.5. This isn’t a deterrent.
Yeah, you go on with the lying. The majority of players have been posting otherwise.
Your type of post really cracks me up given how easy it is to refute it: Log on, look at list, notice a significant drop in adverts.
Isn’t it weird that this Authentication thing is soooooooo difficult for some of you and you refuse to get one yet in the same breath complain because the sellers are still spamming the group finder, how is it these group finder spammers can get an authenticator set up easily on their hundreds upon hundreds of accounts yet you guys can’t do it for one account because it’s too hard and such a fuss.
Also the ads , unless you are completely void of truth have reduced dramatically.
I’m gonna vote we keep the new system for group finder and not get spammed all the time over 4 or 5 tinfoil hat old people that can’t use a phone properly and are cranky at the world.
Yes REMOVE, REMOVE, REMOVE authenticator requirement
Fix your cell phone problems
Players gotta suffer coz blizzard cant be bothered to ban spammers, checks out
One of the options is for players who are unable to create their groups for whatever reason to stop playing altogether or stop playing that content. It sounds like either blizzard did no research, or they decided to write off a lot of players. You’re aware that the number of titles given out to elite keypushers is dependent on the number of casuals still playing, right? If people whose situation is not resolved (and ordering them to pay 4x as much to play the game or mocking them publicly - the time honored blizzard method of customer communication - is hilariously tone deaf at this point.
Lying? Anyone can open the dungeon finder and see for themselves
The situation will resolve itself. More players will leave the game.