Please remove authenticator group restrictions blizzard

My problem isn’t the fact that I don’t have an authenticator, or my unwillingness to enable SMS messaging. Blizzard doesn’t recognize my phone service as being valid so I am unable to use that. I have had an authenticator attached to my account for years.


Yep, they most certainly can: there are far fewer adverts since the change.

Now you’re the one who is lying

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Yeah, yeah yeah, nice trolling.

Says the guy who thinks everyone who is having problems with this is a spammer. No one is trolling here except you with your passive aggressive insulting tone.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. My comments are easily supported. Yours are not.

Pretty simple.

At this point you’re nothing more than the corner bum telling everyone that god is coming. Keep on keeping on buddy.


Typical Blizzard customer response research project done before development and implementation of game changes:

Employee A: “Is this something we should do research on?”
Employee B: “I’m sure it’ll be fine. Absolutely nobody would quit over this.”


Who’s leaving wow because they can’t edit things in a group finder ? Should anyone care that they leave if it’s something this stupid ?

I know the spiel will be “waaaa waaa waaa if everyone leaves you won’t have anyone to play with” jokes on you, I dont play with anyone anyway, also we could replace those people leaving because they can’t work out an authenticator with lab rats , they would be just as smart.

People who have found it useful to form groups as they want or need to by editing the text. But can’t qualify for an authenticator with their current phone service, or who aren’t willing to pay 4 times as much to play the game and construct groups properly.

Yep. You think it’s “stupid”. Yet it’s people leaving the game. And at this point, even if the devs have been saying to each other over the water cooler for years every time a wave of players leave, “We don’t need them”, actually the game needs as many paying customers as it can get. MMO’s are hideously expensive to keep running. They cannot continue being profitable if only hardcores remain.

That’s the devs’ favorite way of dealing with customers, isn’t it? Mocking them publicly.

Nothing has changed in the game as long as players like you are encouraged to act like 3 year olds who have never paid a bill but think others owe you money and respect.

Oh, youi’re a rodent? You think that buying crates of experimental animals and keeping them alive is going to replace the need for paying customers?

Get real, get rid of all the foreigners whose phones don’t qualify or who have the wrong phone service. There are SO MANY NEW PLAYERS COMING IN EVERY DAY, AND IT’S SO EASY TO STEP INTO THE GAME, right.

Or you could just keep putting in quit moments to make you feel superior for living in the right part of the right country, right? Who needs customers, anyway? Not wow.


Remove the option to play WoW without an authenticator.

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HAHAHA. That would be hilarious. I can just see the video in the “Death of a Game” series.


You better get an authenticator.

The next time you try to play or post it might say “account is already logged in somewhere else.”

Get an authenticator!

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How do you know whether I have one or not?

I have not heard a player complain about their account getting hacked in many years. We used to constantly hear complaints, and that was long before smartphone authentication existed.

The fact that we don’t see any complaints and haven’t seen any in ages not only suggests it’s no longer a big problem, but that the advertisers in trade chat and in the group finder are regular people who answered the “help wanted” ads that are always posted in trade chat. Not hackers.

They’re still hiring!


You can’t log in to complain when your account is hacked.

Right part of the right country ? What country am I in and what part is it ? You are talking bullcrap that’s all it is. No one is leaving wow just because they can’t edit text and if they are they aren’t needed anyway.

If they can’t afford things like a phone number they shouldn’t play wow either, they need to get their adult boots on and sort out priorities and wow should be the bottom of the list for things that need to be paid.

Why does everyone else care so much if someone does not have an Authenticator?

I think we can all agree we do not want WTS groups in the LFG. Clearly this solution did not work and it also upsets a fair chunk of players.


No one is leaving wow just because they can’t edit text

I am likely going to


People aren’t complaining about getting hacked because people got authenticators when Blizzard told them to.

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End of the day Blizzard is not going to remove the authenticator restrictions on the group finder.

Those negatively affected will either need to fix the issues that are preventing them from using an authenticator, or adjust to their ‘new normal’ of not being able to use custom text. I swear though, the amount of whinging I’ve seen from a tiny number of people is kind of nuts…

It has worked though, I see no ads now on group finder but did see about 20 to 30 a day easy the week before the patch.

Luckily the spammers can’t change this now, which I suspect are the people complaining the most about this.

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It’s crazy right, I could understand if it was preventing them from getting on wow in the first place but the fact that all it does is stop them editing text and they are going on like they just got diagnosed with a terminal disease.