Please remove authenticator group restrictions blizzard

this is EXACTLY why i refuse to use sms.

As opposed to all the M+ you do at lvl 11. shocking! people’s forum account isnt always their main toon.

or MAYBE SOME PEOPLE CAN’T AFFORD A PHONE SERVICE PLAN. AND NO YOU CANNOT JUST USE PREPAID PHONES ANYMORE IT HAS TO HAVE A LEGIT PHONE NUMBER PROVIDED BY A CARRIER. your post is basically poor people leave the game. because that’s what this change does. there are people who play who can’t afford anything more than the sub fee and maybe a couple dollars extra. who are you to tell them they shouldn’t be playing wow?


It would be nice if they offered an email alternative to the Authenticator so that those without cell phones weren’t barred out

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You use Cricket? Most of their number pools are flagged as invalid. It’s not Blizzard, it’s Cricket being cheap and not validating the numbers. I got that from calling Cricket about not being able to use my phone for certain stuff.

Your main toon is linked to your current toon. You’re 1k io score you barely use the dungeon finder tool

most likely what i suspect they are doing is using stolen accounts with registered phone numbers and adding sms protect to it through the app.

Or just revamp the terrible LFR tool, so it is a non-issue for everybody regardless of authenticator status.

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Does this apply to a certain nationwide bank in the US that had a pop-up tab that allowed direct SQL queries through the address bar to the main account database?

Authenticator now requires SMS protect to set up with push notifications enabled (which the app does not set up correctly on some phones)

Honestly not acceptable.

I would be okay doing one-time verification as a way to combat spam and bots with SMS with the conditions that they state in terms they immediately delete my number after verification, do not use it for further verification of my identity or for bypassing security mechanisms such as removing authenticators, for any authentication purposes as regarding my account, etc.

I’d also be fine with them mailing me a letter and having me return it, having to have physical locations for mail would also deter these people.

I say allow people to punch holes in their security and yours to save costs if you want Blizzard. However allow those of us who don’t want to use it to be given some other mechanism with the understanding that if we lose our authenticator and its restore code we will have to pay Blizzard a nominal fee for CS time wasted, say $15.

Also this shouldn’t be an issue for accounts of a certain age that stay tied to a fixed reasonably small number of machine installs. People talking about hackers. I say nonsense. I would bet most people use the authenticator app and probably even the SMS “protect” feature for the bag slots that the game heavily prompts you to do. WoW accounts are also nowhere near the commodity they once were.

I say these botters/scammer/spammers are most likely just creating disposable accounts, botting them to whatever level or no level at all they need and spamming. Which is why just having an account age, consistent login history from the same machines and location(s) and an authenticator app on its own connected should be enough.


There are still seller poster in group finder, and the app isn’t even working correctly, what gives?


Since nobody else wants to give you any kind of solution and several would rather be inflammatory, I’d suggest downloading a mobile emulator like NOX. You should be able to install the authenticator app on it to use.

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A mobile emulator will not give you a phone number that blizzard will allow to be used with their Phone messaging system unfortunately


Which, “foreign country” would that be? Most have far better cell service than the decaying networks the US currently has.

Something’s not quite right

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I too have a us account and live in Australia, I also have an EU account (the rp community is more active there when I’m on day shift so I double dip) and I use the same purely online phone number for both for sms activation

Oh! I get you.

I’m not sure, but with all the cloning stuff that’s available now, it’s probably related to that (which I know nothing about at all).

this is what happened to me, can confirm.

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I have an authenticator but it still tells me in game that I need one, even after using it to log in
 once again blizzard is on top of their game.

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I tried all the emulator ideas, and after talking to support, it turns out that if my account is set up in the US and my cell phone is overseas, nothing will work. I have to change my address to Asia in order for the authenticator to recognize my cell phone as valid, and I cannot change my address because my address is in CA, and I need my US address to pay with my American bank. Emulators just replicate the same problem as the cell phone issues. What is funny is that I CANNOT CHANGE MY ADDRESS TO MY ASIAN ADDRESS because it requires a proof of address via bills ect, but because of my living situation the bills do not come to me, just to my landlord.

The whole thing is just a labyrinth that only 1% of anyone in the world will encounter. I am just sad that I have been a loyal customer for over 10 years, i have never once un-subbed, and all i ever needed to do was have email verification codes.

The world is changing, a lot of people will, in the future, find themselves in the same situation, working and studying long-term abroad while retaining a US bank account and address. And out where I am and many countries like it, you are required to have a LOCAL CELL NUMBER in order to stay in the system over 9 months.

So there you go.

None of this was a problem for 15 years of playing WoW, it was always email verification. But I understand what Blizzard are trying to do: i just don’t think that in the end it will stop bots or boosters.