There are tons of ways to remedy that. Like flagging anyone that uses WTS and ban them. Or actually ban players when they get too many people flagging them. I have flagged 100’s of those and the second I log on to a different toon, they are all still there. Or, you know, actually make it somones job.
No no, I was referring to the changes with the authenticator app requirement changes, not as of why an authenticator is not required.
You used to be able to just install the app on the phone, hook it up to the bnet account and that was it. No phone (SMS) number required.
It seems overkill to require both mobile authenticator and phone notifications. My cell is an MVNO number and blizzard won’t accept that as valid. Really sucks that my gameplay gets hampered because of this.
Banning them does nothing, they’re mostly compromised accounts meaning they just fire up another one.
Have you looked. There were some up the same night. A few up right now as we speak. Especially in arena.
This. I’m not sure the “report” feature actually did anything other than hide it from your account.
Actually no, they are not. Go armory some of the sale groups that are up right now. 99% of the ones I have looked at all look like throwaway advertisement accounts. Accounts they create, level to 60 (likely via a boost or heroic SL retail copy), and then start posting.
You can see they have all quest gear, no achievements, no renown (aside from the pittance from leveling, no arena rating, 0 raid clears on any difficulty including lfr, basically next to nothing other than the achievements you get from leveling to 60).
Then there is the undeniable fact that there are still sell groups up on the the LFG tool. There were some yesterday (day 0) and again today (day 1).
There were much better ways to address this.
Even if that’s what they are, they just fire up another when they get banned, its the same reason fighting bots is an uphill battle, as long as there is money to be made people will get workarounds to make it.
Which is what happens right now. Nothing has really changed, except we went from maybe 5 or 6 WTS groups per category down to 2 or 3.
I’m sorry but this whole “it was full of them” just isn’t true. It hasn’t been since CN and especially not since they added the level 60 requirement.
That or WoW client remembers which ones you have reported and I literally reported by my through all of the bots in 9.0.
The 5 of you without phones shouldnt be dictating the rules to the other several million of us. This is a fix to an issue that has been on the table for years.
How about instead of expecting EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD to lose a good thing because you cant be buttoxed to fix your phone, you just fix whatever the problem on your end is.
The entitlement of these posts…
Its a scam a Authenticator for a game plzs they just want your info
The irony of your post. I have a phone the same as you but blizzard deems the number invalid. I have been a paying customer for years and now I am locked out of game functions that I have always been able to use.
what info do you think they want?
you have already given them;
- Name.
-phone number.
-credit card/bank details.
-The answers to your security questions.
-Some have literally given them a copy of their license (to regain accounts after being hacker prior to authenticators.
Prior to this I did check it and it was pretty full, not as bad on horde as on alliance, but today when I looked there was none in M+
Just checked now and not a single one listed in either M+ or raid
I would nt trust them with any info
Cool, that should be every other player in the worlds problem… why?
It took them years and this is the best they could come up with?
Rofl, what? I will dismiss all of your concerns because this benefits and me and my party. You guys stop being entitled.
There is one particular group that seems to have no fear of the new rules on authenticators - they are still posting multiple ads in dungeons so they must have quite a few throw away authenticated accounts they are willing to lose.
Although I understand Blizzard’s reasoning here (and it HAS reduced the ads) there are obviously gold makers who are prepared to cop a loss to keep doing it.
I really think a more viable alternative to this authenticator system is to let anyone post in groups but not allow anyone to create text - just remove the text box. Provide a number of drop down options that can be filled in - the typical sort of choices people want to include in their posts such as level requirements, need a specific coventant, need a specific class, and so on. That way people could still create somewhat individual group requests but gold sellers could not advertise.
This is every other player in the worlds problem because it is overkill for simple listings in dungeon finder. One or the other is good enough.
literally doesnt affect anyone with an authenticator.
it literally does as I have an authenticator attached to my account and cannot edit text fields because phone notifications are required now. You’re just trolling as you barely use the dungeon finder as evidenced by your characters activities
Here is a giant list of better ideas than tying it to an authenticator.
Again, if we want to argue the merits of 2FA as a security measure fine… but then apply it across the board for all accounts to play the game.
Blizzard shouldn’t arbitrarily hamstring a core part of the games functionality (creating groups in an mmo) and conflating it with account security. Right now, for anyone without an authenticator, it just feels like they are holding the LFG tool hostage.
Everyone on here keeps doing these crazy mental gymnastics to get from a broken LFG tool (in more ways than just WTS - it was terrible and due for an overhaul) with account security.