Please remove authenticator group restrictions blizzard

Waves from other side of boat. I’ve been doing same for a few years now and find it more enjoyable and not being rushed by others

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I agree that they did not take care of the issue based on the reports.

BUT, they have not group fired the CS/GM staff since the 2012 layoff. The reductions in 2019 were esports, publishing, PR, etc. All the front facing stuff for game releases. Also some of the Community Managers.

They hired a lot more game dev staff and left CS alone.

Their failure on the group finder was not due to layoffs. Just want to clarify that.

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It is for running M+ keys. If you look at my profile you can see I done a lot of M+ runs now I can’t lead a group cause of it.

This might be a change that makes me stop playing the game.


how can you not lead a group? if you have a key ( it supposedly autofills details) and you list

if you don’t have a key, get the person who has the key to list it.

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Are you unable to list a group or edit the name? Because you should still be able to list.

If one of y’all get in that community panel, address this please. lol

Just sell the physical ones on the shop again ffs. They were 7 bucks. If they weren’t making money, make it 10. They last yeeeeears. It’s worth it if you have issues with the mobile app.

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Yes, they have a version for MacOS.

does not let you select key level only that you are doing mythic +

That’s always been the case AFAIK? I’d suggest putting in a UI suggestion to allow you list directly from the keystone.

they probably don’t have a key - it won’t let you make a group at all in that section without a key or authenticator.

It shows the Dungeon and the Key level in the group finder title by default. Go look at it in game.


NO. Quit advertising then.

only if you have a key - it doesn’t show that for me because I have no key or authenticator.

holy cow, a GD post from somebody who actually knows how things work. i feel like i spotted a unicorn!

Well yes, someone with the key needs to make the group. This does not seem particularly restrictive. A key is kind of required right?


I’m a DevSecOps engineer, learning about this is basically a rite of initiation for all of us. “Why do banks appear to have crappy security” “Because they don’t, they just look like they do”


I agree, it shouldn’t be a problem but that is why some people aren’t seeing the entire picture (me included).


I’ve been enjoying playing the game differently than what’s “expected”.


People from other countries play online remotely to get around their countries restrictions or hide their real identity. That is likely a big reason why they went in this direction. China in particular wants online gaming companies to take responsibility for it’s customers that bypass it’s laws.

I can’t find a bank that has app, or hardware token-based 2FA, just simple username and password setups. Some use SMS, but that can be bypassed via SIM swapping.