Please remove authenticator group restrictions blizzard

group finder is a lot nicer now.

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My bank for their online banking all they do is send you an email with a link that you click. Now why can’t blizzard do the same for this?

My business bank does this still. But personal, nope, just standard 2FA.

You cannot list any keys without the authenticator.

I have a 22 key in my bag and can’t list anything.

This is absolutely not true. If you have a key in your bag and go to list it, it does fill it in with the key level.

Anyone old enough to think this authenticator is an issue, or can’t figure it out, needs to be banned from computers completely because they’re too old for video games.

What do you mean “phone doesn’t match the country”? You can access US AppStore from anywhere.

The only time where this would become an issue is if you switch to the AppStore from another region and attempt and bruteforce your way into getting something from it - then it would complain about payment not being set up in this different region.

People buy phones in country A and then import them into country B where said phones are then resold and they work fine for their new owners.

This process has been the same over over a decade - nothing “smart guy” about it.

Not up to you that’s why
You do it or you deal with it


Even if this was meant as a joke, the sentiment is really nasty.


How? I can’t list my group without putting something in the title, which is LOCKED because Blizz wants me to jump through flaming hoops to get their authenticator they way they require it just to make a group. THIS WAS NOT AN ISSUE until the launch of 9.1.5. and to add the restriction is ridiculous and singles out and ridicules a larger portion of their customer base than they realize.

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It is no where near the “portion” you think it is. Blizzard will always default to the cheapest and easiest method. They are a for profit business. They do not exist to make you happy. They exist to get your money.

It won’t accept a foreign number is what he is saying.

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Boost sellers won’t be able to use compromised accounts as throw away accounts to spam in LFG.

No you can not. It does not autopopulate anything and it will not let you post without a title which I cannot add. Maybe it is bugged? I am totally fine with no custom title.

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You’ve tried with no addons? It is supposed to auto fill the level.

I have not. I’ll do that now and see which addon is the culprit, if one of them even is.

Um…yes you can. Unless you have some technical issue, you can go in there and create a M+ listing.

You can access the app yes. The issue is the authenticator requires a monthly subscription phone number in the country the account was originally created. I made my account years ago in the us and live in Australia now. It won’t accept my Aus phone number or my us Google phone number.

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That’s SMS Protect. Authenticator does not require phone service. It will run on any Android device with wi-fi, including an emulator on your PC.

I think there is a technical issue then. I can only join others. I cannot make any groups. There is no autopopulate and creation requires a title which is locked.