Please remove authenticator group restrictions blizzard

How do you use this autofill? I cannot create a group since the patch.

So you made this post before even trying to making a list in LFG???

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Yeah, you can go into your account settings and tell it to never use the require you to use it again to log into the game. What they should do is bring back the physical ones for people who have issues with the mobile one.


Because it’s not just email, your bank is doing a lot of actually rather intrusive heuristics to check your behavior patterns when you log in. They check everything from what IP block you’re in to how you move your mouse on the page when you log in. Even common mistypes in your password can be used to fingerprint you. So email (and SMS), which is actually notoriously insecure is basically used mostly for security theater but also so they can say they tried if you get your identity stolen. Thus it is basically just a liability shift.


It won’t. They can buy burner phones
 But it looks good, or bad if you can’t customize your title lol.

It’s one of those things where your understanding of “why” isn’t required. This is the way it is now, and it’s not likely to change.

It’s a positive change and the Group Finder is already way improved because of it.

Is that how they authenticated back on vanilla? I wouldn’t know, since I didn’t play back then :crazy_face:


I play almost entirely solo, and here I thought I was the old fashioned one.


The mobile authenticator is so ungodly easy to use and setup. You literally only need it to login on a new device. What is the huge uproar about?

What “phone problems” do you have? The authenticator is an app that works perfectly fine on wifi, quality of cell phone service makes zero difference. If you have an Android or iOS device made since 2014 and you have an internet connection good enough to play WoW on, the authenticator app will work.

So I have a question about this. So how long do you think it is going to take for someone to program up a bot able to use the authenticator to spam the channel again?

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Silver is talking about me. The information being discussed was about the requirement for a contract cell phone number that is registered in your country. That is part of the Auth set up now so using an emulator on your PC does not work unless the number meets the requirements as well.

I would consider giving accurate information “useful”


Because you need to set up what used to be called SMS Protect as well as the Auth.

Setting up a new Auth now requires SMS Protect along with it during set up. Older accounts will need to add SMS Protect.

However, that requires a cell number flagged as a contract number + it has to match the country on the account. Said number can only be attached to one Bnet account.

Those without a valid number can’t set up the Authenticator app so can’t make custom group titles.

They can still use the default group titles though.


I’d find a new bank if they don’t require MFA to access your accounts.

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and in the world of metro, palehoof and snowfox. are you surprised? i didnt mention you. simply pointing out in GD many do not take greens seriously.

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I, too, am an American living in another country. If your phone doesn’t match your country
it won’t accept it.

I can put the app on my Japanese phone, but my American address will kick it back because they don’t match. I don’t HAVE a Japanese address. My home inside the country of Japan has an American address (military base).

This kind of stuff gets complicated, and the more everything is online and NOTHING is done by actual people and more data is collected in more specific ways

EVERYTHING I do with any kind of account is complicated, kicked back, throws errors, and asks me to re-confirm my identity every time.

Just throwing that out there for you since you want to play smart guy and assume he’s lying about his phone. It’s a real thing.


I’m sure you are. You’re totally not a boosting site rep begging to have the authebricator requirements removed because it’s hurting your business model.
Poor thing. Tell you bosses you tried and failed.

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No Blizzard should of done their job and banned run sellers when they got reported. They fired much CS/GM staff so they can not look into these reports. I reported many run sellers they seemed like they never got banned.

By forcing people to have a cell phone for security on a video game account is just overboard.

I am one of those people that has been inconvenienced by this.


While I understand your frustration at this.

Is not a sustainable solution. The bots (and yes they were often bots) that did this were a massive torrent. By raising the bar and putting a hurdle that makes it more difficult they’ve de-facto blocked the bots from working. So jumping a hoop is a smaller price to pay than the alternative which is potentially random non-human reviewed bans of legitimate players.

Pretty sure the game still works fine if you don’t have the auth / SMS protection setup. You just can’t edit the text when listing a group for a Raid or Dungeon. That’s NOT game breaking.