Please Remove All Player Power From Ranked PvP

More options…are…bad? :dracthyr_a1: The only issue was sparks splitting between pve/pvp and no public recrafts.


You can get crafted gear with the stats you want and be a little lower than honor gear. I think that is a better design compared to templates.

It was also kinda convoluted… Didn’t start playing until season 3. Looked up a quick guide, crafted the wrong piece. Legit didn’t bother crafting anymore.

Crazy idea, if you’re a pvper, you want to PvP for you gear.

You buy a trophy in the same way you buy a conquest piece, and then craft it sort of like how you’d enchant or gem any other piece of gear.

Agreed, remove all lock specs from pvp.

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You have to buy a schawk of different stuff. Then go and create a work order. Not really like an enchant at all actually.

I want to PvP, then buy PvP gear… I know it’s sticking around in tww unfortunately… So you win.

You’re whining about things that are really not a problem.


Eh I disagree… If you played all expansion maybe it’s not. For new or returning players it is.

PvP in any game can be tough to get into. Wows is harder than most. I’m not saying PvP is dying but it’s not going to get any healthier if we keep adding random stuff like this.

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Crafting gear or getting it crafted is super easy. Sorry you crafted the wrong piece but that honestly is on you not the system. It’s kinda the same reason we lost vendors for so long. People can’t be bothered to read or get in a hurry and mess up.
There are tons of sites to look and see what’s being crafted, what stats, embellishments and so on. I honestly see not a single problem with how it is right now.

Because custom gear was a really cool and fun addition. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Naw the system is bad. I looked up a guide and still crafted too low of an ilvl one. If people have to go outside of the game and comb through guides, it’s a problem.

Here’s a crazy idea. Log on-Pvp-get PvP currency-buy PvP gear.

Eh not really. Again for people who play insane hours like you. Honestly wouldn’t bug me at all if embellishments could be put on gear like enchants. Way simpler.

PvP gear is good enough I don’t care except embellishments.

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It is now with the crafting system

Ya but overall PvP participation would drop. I am willing to bet that.

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Naw, it was definitely something that could have been prevented if you took the time. The system is fine. Glad it’s staying

You can re craft the gear for a nominal amount of materials and a different missive.

What? :dracthyr_a1: There’s not much super involved about crafted gear.

Remember he’s probably of the 10% that didn’t get out of doc Mitchell’s house

I did have to video call somebody to walk them through crafting.

A couple of people, actually. :dracthyr_love_animated: No judgments.

I mean I thought it was hard til I opened the menu, tracked the recipe, bought the recipe, listed it and then barked in trade to get it filled.


I actually did not know that… Lol but like I said earlier, I dont get to play as much as I used to. Still haven’t committed to tww, don’t know if I will.

I honestly crafted it. Realized it was a low ilvl. Got 1800 for the mog that I wanted and decided not to bother with it lol…

If I decide to play tww I’ll have to learn I suppose. I’ll have to find a different guide than the one I followed as it was obviously kinda crap.

Even the ilvl doesn’t matter because pvp gear scales to 528. You can craft the gear with the silver stars and it doesn’t matter as long as you use the current seasons spark and the current seasons trophy