Please Remove All Player Power From Ranked PvP

Please remove all player power rewards and progression from ranked PvP. All rewards should be cosmetic, so you can play any of your characters at any point without worrying about gear. This will spike the PvP population and keep it there.


There hasn’t been power tied to rating since Shadowlands.

They are.


so i don’t need pvp gear in arenas to be competitive right now?

They tried this and people hated it

So they made it the easiest it’s ever been to get fully geared

There’s zero shot it ever gets better than this


I mean could always just turny realm it and let us talk to a big cow man to buy gear to use in pvp if there was a angle of making gearing even easier :^)

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Having a pvp set is fine. Quit whining over nothing.


My PvP gear doesn’t work well in PvE. Why would PvE gear work in PvP? Takes minimal time to gear for PvP right now. Do you just not enjoy playing the game?


Is this another biebz?

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templating is bad.

gw2 does it and certain builds just can’t be played because the stats they require aren’t available options. it drives metas based on who benefits the most from the “balanced gear”, or homogenizes all gear (cele meta) where hybrids become overpowered.

this was also seen in Lost Ark, with the attribute system; where essentially every class has to run relatively the same stat distribution. which leads to people dying in 1 shot or never dying with no potential to kill. everyone obviously opts for 1 shotting, but as we see in the GvGs where they use their pve gear, being able to optimize for your specific ideals leads to more player expression and balance.

or many other KMMOs who made NA versions with “balanced arenas” where you basically just have a hard ceiling trinity system. this class beats this class and thats the end of it. not fun.

all of these games have dead pvp scenes btw


No, pvp gear and progression, getting stronver is part of tje game

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You need trinkets that’s it. So 1,200 honor or 1 battelground. However depending on your gear you might want to get more versatility.


you get stronger by becoming more knowledgeable. There is no need for the best players in the game to also do more damage than new players in ranked PvP.

If you are better, you are already going to win.

Why keep the gearing barrier for new and returning players?

Most people loved Legion PvP

The trade-off is worth keeping the PVP population healthy.

Don’t make it easy, remove it. So the guy with 4 hours a week to play, CAN PLAY!

Gearing takes like a day stop

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Gonna need a source on that

Psure PvP participation took a sizable hit in Legion compared to WoD and Legion was a more successful expansion compared to WoD in every other aspect

Ah you’re trolling my b


Every stat option possible is available on an amulet what builds aren’t available lol

It’d be nice if all gear scaled up to honor ilevel. That way people could step into pvp and still have progression and the incentive to get honor gear (versa) is there.

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100% not trying to troll or be funny.

In fact, I think it’s interesting that playing 4 hours a week sounds so absurd to you.

Do you feel like there’s no room for these kind of players in ranked pvp? I am honestly just curious about your opinion.

i would argue anyone struggling to play 4 hours a week probably shouldn’t be playing a game like WoW unless they’re only interested in non-competitive solo content

and i believe the overall game shouldn’t be designed to cater towards these players- delves are actually an incredible addition to the game because it gives the player you speak of an end-game avenue/activity while not hurting the more active player’s experience

that being said



I unsubbed do to legion pvp and the spriest rework.


Pvers liked it. My PvP guild that was alive and well cata-wod died fast and hard in legion.

Feels bad man. I’m roughly 4 hours a week right now too and it doesn’t feel worth. It is an MMO though… If you want to play games on 4 hours MMOs are not for you (or me).

Technically no. You can get your first daily win bonuses. It’ll take you longer overall but less direct time investment. It’s basically what I did on two toons this season.