Please Remove All Player Power From Ranked PvP

All rewards are cosmetic though?

people keep asking for this, but imo this will hurt PvP more than help. Gearing is so easy, easiest it’s every been. There does need to be some kind of scaling added.

Not worth their time and resources honestly.

It’s an MMO, it’s part of the game. There are plenty of games that do what you want. People keep asking for things that will hurt PvP more than help. Having PvP play completely different from the rest of the game does nothing positive imo except for a small % of players.

This isn’t true, because of the class balance, comps etc.

The gearing “barrier” is so small, and honestly is the least of PvP’s worries as far a barriers go.

Did they? Based on what? If people loved it so much why would they kill that off so fast? Having blizzard control my stats is omega boring honestly.

Then what would the purpose of honor gear be? I agree maybe some scaling should be involved, but slightly below honor level. Like Blitz does now and Solo Shuffle did when it was a brawl.

Sure there is, just might take them an extra day to do rated PvP.

I would argue with proper scheduling, you can absolutely PvP 4 hours a week if you wanted to, and obtain PvP gear.

But the person with more hours put into anything in life is going to be better than the person who puts in 4 hours a week.

The “player power” holding you back is not the gear. It’s the hours played.


the versatility budget and buying it from a vendor instead of grinding pve

This. I play probably that much a week. I play one toon and I have no issue max gearing. I do understand if you have several alts that may be a different story. But as a busy adult, 4-6 hours a week is more than enough time to stay at the top end of gearing and cap appropriately.

This has been the most casual or professional oriented expansion to date. Blizzard has finally acknowledged an aging player base. I’m boggled that people still complain.


its not about being held back

Its about not wanting to waste your time especially when that time is limited.

If there were two versions of ranked arena, one with gear progression and one without - I guarantee the one without would be far more populated and healthy.

If you think that playing a for-fun random bg mode to get geared in like a day is wasting time, then an rpg is probably not for you.


every stat option isn’t available, unless its a recent addition i haven’t played in a bit (but i doubt it); or rather every stat combination/weight wasn’t available. this was done intentionally when i played because there are some builds, specifically at the time for guardians/fb/druid that are just crazy with essentially WvW/PvE stat’ing. you’ll also notice not all runes/sigils are available/removed or changed in pvp, for similar reasons.

i’m pretty sure they enabled the amulet and fb just steamrolled everyone and they instantly removed it. lol i don’t remember specifics it was a long time ago, bad game for non-casuals :sleeping_bed:

edit: i looked at the wiki to make sure, and the attribute combinations were not added to spvp lol

It may be fun for you man. But it isn’t for everyone.

If you want to do arena, and you don’t find battlegrounds fun, why should you be forced into battlegrounds?

Gearing is easy and fast. You’re whining for no reason other than to just whine.

To be fair they tried this in a way that took agency from players. Templates we control would be ideal.

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i think they should remove versatility.

the idea that you basically can’t pvp unless you’re running 30% vers limits a lot of specs. i could go into detail but tldr the stat is dumb for balance.

but op is also just complaining to complain cause its not like gear is hard to get. esp when u get it at the same rate as everyone else @ start of season

I quit about 4 months into Legion and didn’t come back until about 6 months ago…

I would argue if you only have 4 hours of free time in a week. You shouldn’t be spending it on any video game.

Would you have the same opinion about pve content? Cosmetics only, 0 barrier to entry for even the highest level raiding and mythic plus dungeons.

My brother in Christ, you don’t need to gear PVP gear. You can get trinkets and wear PVE gear and be fine. A significant amount of the best gear right now is crafted gear. You can even buy AH gear if you dont want to do BGs, and just hit the arena.

PVP is viable in PVE gear, many specs actually prefer it for a large portion. For example the tier set bonus is all pve gear, and crafted gear is pve gear of a sort. I wish PVP gear also scaled in PVE to be BIS, but I dont think they are going to do that.

People here are listening to you and answering you as thought you are going to be pushing R1. For where your PVP skill level is at, it is 100% not needed. If you play enough to really push out of it, you’ll be drowning int he PVP currency needed to make your gear set exactly what you want. You seem to be upgrading your gear, you 100% do not need to do that

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I can agree with this, as most games that exhibit this “jump in and play” mentality are more healthily populated than WoW.

Those games also don’t generally charge a monthly subscription. It’d be hard to justify a monthly subscription without progression based content.

If they were to release a standardized free to play model of WoW Arena PvP, where you can just select a class and play, you’d also lose a lot of freedom in build choices (i.e. haste, mastery, etc.) and it would make systems like talent tree downright confusing, and black and white as far as selections go.

I will say what you’re asking for has been asked for now for almost about 20 years. But you’re going up against shareholder profits with that ask.

Alas, in absolute classic Blizzard entertainment fashion, they ARE listening. And they will shoot out a product that totally misses the point, and isn’t at all what you were asking for.

Enjoy Plunderstorm.

Yea… No.
The only thing that’s annoying is crafting items on alts (getting the sparks), besides that there’s no reason to complain.


I feel like most complaints about current gearing system are a blizz psyop.

Are either a universally agreed upon take (e.g. fg is archaic and needs reworked, we need better dev communication and transparency, delete warlocks), a lack of understanding (X class is F tier, warriors cant ever be kited) and/or a “you think you do, but you don’t”

I would live to see all crafted options taken away from pvp. Sick of wasting gold just to be optimal for pvp. Just let conq gear be BIS


Nah, custom gear is great.

It’s like 500g a piece or something.

Nah, it sucks.