Please Remove All Player Power From Ranked PvP

This was a pretty good response, sorry I missed it.

I understand your point, but I disagree. There are plenty ways to spice up PvP without player power progression.

Rotating class spells and abilities every season for example. Better cosmetic rewards for players at every level.

The most coveted rewards in PVP currently are the glad mount and titles which are 100% cosmetic.

For some of us, easy and fast are synonyms for pointless and boring.

What we want to spend our time doing is learning and growing in arena, not doing easy and fast things.

In reality gearing doesn’t matter, because after you are done gearing up you are going to get hard-stuck by your skill level anyway.

Currently gear in ranked pvp serves has no meaningful purpose outside being a barrier of entry for new and returning players.

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Respectfully, I thought the gear system (crafted included) was incredibly straightforward and clear. It shows what mats you need and roughly what Ilvl it would be at depending on crafting, and you had slots for PVP ilvl, pve ilvl, embelishment, and stat selection with BIG green plusses. What did you find confusing?

No flame, just genuinely curious!

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Sure. But the point I was making is that I’m unsure if that would justify a $15/month price tag to any given player base. I’m not sure they’re interested in losing the monthly income. Subscription based games generally have progressive systems in place.

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Sorry for the delayed, got busy.

It really really isn’t for new or returning players, I’m telling ya. I’ll kinda go on a long story on my exp as you seme genuinely interested.

I bought df sometime mid S3 when it was on sale. Leveled to max very quick, didn’t even make it half way through the story. Got max started queing blitz and had an absolute blast (the min ilvl was excellent to get into). Once I got most of my honor gear and some conquest I decided to try a solo que as all my PvP friends quit ages ago. Horrendous experience as that is God aweful mode :rofl: so just played blitz when I could. Got full conquest and saw that the sham set was half decent looking so I decided maybe I should see what I can push.

Looked up murkio to see what the top shamans were wearing and specd and saw they had some gear that I had no flipping clue what it was lol… So then started trying to find other guides that I had to read. A lot mention crafted gear but not how it works. So then I have to go find and read yet another guide on how to craft gear as it’s not at all like crafting in the past. The guide was a PvE one so it didn’t even mention the PvP trophy. So I ended up crafting a low level item without PvP scaling. Anyways after asking guildies they told me that I couldn’t apply the PvP piece after I had to do it while crafting. None of them mentioned taking it apart for the parts :sob::sob:

So kinda broke, as pvpers don’t have gold, I just bought my enchants and gems as that I knew from past expansions. Then annoyed with the orders I said screw it and just found some randoms in lfg and qued until I got 1800 for the mog and promptly went back to blitz lol… I would have liked try and push more as I’m competitive but was too annoyed and broke.

As I mentioned before, part of this is on me. Not for the complexity, as I think it’s a weird system… But on just not having as much time as I’d like. Spending as much time reading outside of wow guides was kinda annoying. It’s my current debate on whether or not to play tww. I think PvP gearing in df is actually very good outside of a bit of PvE gear this season and crafting orders. If you could just buy embellishments or gear off the ah and slap it on your PvP gear like an enchant that’s a system I understand going back to vanilla.

All in all, it would be nice to log on, PvP, get PvP currency and buy PvP gear.

Sorry for the absolute essay.


A more populated healthy pvp environment alone justifies the $15. You gain more than you lose if you take player power progression out of PVP.

Not to mention the rest of the game. PvE, Pet battles etc.

I don’t think I agree. I think if the game is $15 a month to jump in and play at an even level, most people would just quit when they’re bad. They can go play something free the same way. There’s no new content justifying the $15.

I think the $15 is really just selling the solely PvP players a myth; that when they get fully geared they’ll be better.

The quickest and most ensured way to a more populated healthy PvP environment is to eliminate the $15 monthly fee.

Okay, that’s a totally fair complaint thing, then. It DID function backwards in that aspect, I just never thought about it that way. Thanks for sharing your input!


I agree that PVP gearing is too confusing for new and returning players. I was one of them coming back in DF (and I had quit until today – gotta try rated BGB!).

The issue is due to a number of factors. First of all, I wasn’t aware of embellishments and what the deal was with the limits and such, especially as it concerned PVP. I don’t think such a form of non-enchant enchant had been available in prior expansions, and didn’t even know where to get good info about it. The verbiage for the embellishments are horrible in game, and as with all abilities in-game when it comes to PVP. I mean who the heck knows how any of this scales in PVP?

The same goes for sockets. I believe adding sockets to items is a relatively new thing? I actually don’t know. It’s only after a while playing DF that I realized you could socket non-neck items. What?! I’m still not sure how to do this and all the different pieces you can socket (just rings as well?) and how any new player would find out without going through external guides. Also recall how a PVPer gets to socket their items? Oh you have to get the vault token in lieu of an item and then exchange it at a vendor that you would otherwise never interact with? Are there other ways to get non-neck PVP items socketed? I still don’t know.

The list goes on, along with optimizing gear loadouts for preferred stats. You must select a stat loadout before you start your gearing process at all, otherwise you may end up with the wrong stat allocation later in the season? Not great, especially for new PVPers. Oh and don’t forget that special item you get when you hit some arbitrary rating, that you can use to exchange for an item at some other obscure vendor miles away that you would otherwise never get near (as a PVPer). Don’t forget that if you don’t make the right selection for this, you may be behind on gear for several weeks. Isn’t there another token/item you get that you can exchange somewhere too? Oh yes, the crafting ones. Great. Are there more? I think it’s possible but I don’t know or I’ve forgotten, but it’s too much.

The more ideal version of gearing, if we still want gear progression, is to permanently unlock all PVP items for a given class for a given slot, in a scheduled manner, once certain conquest levels are hit by a player. So hit 100 conquest? You get the chest and can buy all stat-versions of the chest unlimited times (obviously can’t sell for gold). Hit 200? You get legs too, etc. And get rid of all these choices that you make and must not get wrong as you progress, lest you be left behind early-to-mid season.

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I hear what you’re saying, but this is easily resolved by a 5 second google. I DO think that there should be more in-game visibility for sure, though!

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Now that I’ve written an essay as well, I’m curious, is there actually a definitive guide to PVP gearing somewhere that has all these things listed?

I actually just did a google search for “gearing in pvp dragonflight.” The first (non-AI) result for me is an icy-veins result titled “Dragonflight PvP Season 4 Guide,” subtitled “The following guide contains everything you need to know about the latest PvP Season in World of Warcraft” (www.icy-veins .com/wow/latest-pvp-season). It has no mention of embellishments, or sockets in gear, etc. It does have a table of different gear types and their iLevel. You can see that “Crafted PvP Gear” has iLevel 502, which is lower than “Conquest Gear” at 528. So no need to investigate crafted gear since it’s lower iLevel, right?

The second result is a reddit post which has a video that can be boiled down to “buy conquest gear,” but it’s admittedly 2 years old. Okay maybe this is my bad google-fu. Let’s refine the search to “dragonflight season 4 pvp gear guide.” Second result is that same icy-veins guide, but first result is another reddit post. This time with a good video by skill-capped. This video is actually excellent, but still misses some key things; I still have no idea what to do about sockets in PVP (I believe there’s no mention of sockets or enchants) or any way to optimize my gearing path. The strength and importance of embellishments are also not emphasized (a new/returning player seeing this will not think it’s very important – after all previous expansions did not give crafted gear this much power in PVP). Seriously, watch that video and tell me how simple you think PVP gearing is for new players. Here’s the link: www.reddit .com/r/worldofpvp/comments/1capdyb/guide_how_to_get_the_best_pvp_gear_in_season_4/

The point is not that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to acquire this knowledge. Of course it is possible. The point is that it’s just too much for a new player, and it’s practically impossible to gain this knowledge simply by playing the game and not referring to multiple external resources. I definitely do not think this is a simple “5 second google.”

Again, if you know of a truly complete and accurate source for complete PVP gearing, ideally with enough info such that I can optimize my gearing path, I would love to have it, if only so that I can perhaps learn what I need to do once the servers come back up. Let me know how many seconds it takes you. If low number of seconds, then color me shamed.

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Literally just ask I’m right here aaaaaa

Alright Kennie, give me the definitive guide and optimized gearing path!

Seriously though, let me know if you have a good link/site/guide.

I’m trying to play this mage now – in full 515 gear. So… would you say my optimal way to catch up on gear is to play rated BGB until I hit 1400, not spend any conquest until then, and then buy a bunch of these Draconic Equipment chests? (sorry to my teammates) … excepting the crafted gear, right?

Whenever I play alts, I almost always use check pvp: From there, there’s a black bar along the top with some headings.
I navigate to solo shuffle, and then select whatever spec I’m interested in playing. It gives you a top-down list of the best players and you can click to see their gear and talents and direct armory pages!

Check pvp–> Solo Shuffle–>Select the spec you’re interested in.

Conquest gearing is gonna be a little different in TWW with weapons awarded from a quest and no vault, but gearing prio is usually weapons–> Tier pieces–> off pieces–> trinkets.

For individual guides, I’d look at specific streamers!

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So many people just dont get it. This game needs an influx of new pvp’ers or this aspect of the game is going to die. Blizz will compare numbers of ppl doing arena vs m+ and just cut dev time from pvp.

Dont be afraid, those nasty pvers wont beat you just because their gear is equivalent to yours. They are trying out pvp, they wont even trinket properly…
How can anyone think its a good idea to have new players not only go through learning pvp but also have a gear handicap?
“hear new players, you are going to get facerolled in arena but dont worry, you might win 1 game out of 10 after you grind honor for a couple of weeks of just dying in battlegrounds”

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They actually tried this and people hated it because even though it was supposed to be flat capped they still hate legion artifact power enabled so we’ve actually never truly had this. Other MMOs have this for PvP (while still having builds) and it works fine.

OMG I just got 1400 in rated BGB, and it still won’t let me purchase these Draconic Equipment chests!! What gives?! Bug?

Or do I have to wait until reset for the >1400 rating to be “set in”? Frustrating!

Would be nice if they would at least let us warband-transfer conquest points too (understand why this would not work during the season).

This one thing would fix so many issues before they become issues for players.

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Minus the sparks. Which afaik are going away? So its a win win

This has been done already. For the past 2 or 3 expansions at least.
Unless the game sees a massive influx of players things won’t change on the pvp side of things unless they hire someone who actually plays it and has actual power when it comes to making decisions, unlike Holongo.