Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

nah, try 1700.
I’m certainly in the minority but its mainly only boomers who don’t want it only because its different.

I am not making an argument, I am making a statement. Most importantly Blizzard has also made that same statement. Classic will be bound to its own world. Yes I am sure you are bitter about missing your Tier 3 or whatever item you want to carry over that has been removed.

Just know that Blizzard said in their blue post in this very thread that they do not want to devalue the achievements of others and what they did in WoW. That is why they will not allow items to transfer from Classic.

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It isn’t about me being bitter, I just won’t play it as much because of it.
And so will several other people.
And some people will ONLY play classic as a result of this.

You see where this is going right

Its going to wind up killing retail and removing longevity of classic.


A Møøse once bit my sister…

A horse kicked me once. It hurt!

Blizzard’s reasoning looks pretty sound to me. It’s good that they want to protect players who were there originally and did the stuff back in the day. Myself for example, I would have liked to max out all my different weapons skills before they removed it. Classic shouldn’t be a mulligan for me or anyone else.

Sometimes for reasons that may or may not be our fault we may miss out on something in game. Such is life.

OP you are fighting a losing battle. This game is for Classic players to enjoy and is separate from Retail. This topic is spam/trolling.


The whole “ItS SEPerAtE fROm REtAiL” argument at this point really has no bearing at all.

We’ve already cleared that it has no bearing on classic besides from bringing in more retail players and making more retail players play longer while also incentivizing classic players to play retail.

“People will ninja for tmog” is an argument so bizarre and disconnected from reality that you have to be racking your brain for reasons why its bad because you’re obsessed with the notion of absolutely nothing being different in the slightest, even though this doesn’t affect the classic loop at all.

“But what about the people who god it back in vanilla”
Add timeworn or some other indicator to the front of the tmog appearance. That way everyone knows they got it in classic and they haven’t been playing since vanilla.

“le seperate from retail”
Its a one way path with no gold or anything just appearances, pets and mounts.

That doesn’t affect retail because people will have already wanted those for collecting in the first place on classic, having those on retail is a bonus.

“this topic is spam”
Ah yes, attempt to shut down any discussion when you don’t have a rebuttal , you should go into politics.

lol I’m not gonna keep playing retail anyway so it doesn’t really matter what rewards carry over for me

The rebuttal is that transmog will not be in the game. Period. As stated by the devs repeatedly.


Yes please!

I added the part your quote was missing.

I don’t care about Classic except to gain unobtainable stuff… Maybe you should just ignore Classic than. Seems like you don’t want to actually play Classic.

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  1. They’re putting in the time and effort now. What does it matter that they didn’t do it 15 years ago?

  2. On that topic, a not insignificant amount of people that will be playing Classic were either too young or not alive when this was current content.

This entire thread is built on the concept of “I got mine, screw all of the rest of you.” Unidirectional rewards (Classic->Retail) don’t harm the gameplay in Classic.

“But Mchale, it will encourage ninja looting!” Ninja looting was a big problem in Vanilla without any incentivization. If you’re so concerned about Ninja looting, play with friends. That was the response 15 years ago, just like it’s my response now.

“But Mchale, casual players will ruin the experience.” Vanilla had casual players, what experience did they ruin? The game has attunements and gear as gatekeepers. You aren’t going to have casuals faking their way into your guild’s raid any more than you had casuals doing that in Vanilla.

You all don’t want the Vanilla experience, you want a sanitized version where only the most hardcore are allowed to play. I would imagine that this thread is the same crowd that complained about LFR when it was introduced.

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Classic and retail should be seperate games.

You should be able to earn all of the things that were available in vanilla in classic and it will be “almost” as meaningful.

Please implement the Unarmored original epic mounts that were removed in patch 1.4 blizzard. Don’t let these mounts disappear forever. Implement them alongside the other mounts and just keep them in the game.

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I’ve been neutral on this subject up to this point, Shimy, but yeah I have considered proposing that very solution.

Too bad it’ll immediately get shut down by Blizzard and elitists who think “prestige” is a good thing.

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To the OP:

Just put it this way. People who compulsively collect crap in retail and people who enjoy the gameplay in Classic are two very different kinds of gamers. I don’t understand you guys, and clearly you don’t understand us. You don’t get why we object to your change request, let’s just leave it there. It’s not going to happen.

I think it’s a fallacy to think that there’s no overlap for people that enjoy the gameplay of Classic and those who would like to enjoy their rewards from Classic on their live server characters.

It’s also specious to argue that any players who would come to Classic for the purposes of obtaining removed items would be a drain on the Classic community and/or economy. Sure, there are plenty of items that are no longer obtainable that are trivial to obtain and there are players who would come just for those. How would that affect your experience? The other items take time, cooperation, and skill to obtain. What is the difference between a collector and someone who is playing for the experience if they’re participating sufficiently to obtain said items?

I completely respect Blizzard’s choice either way. It’s 1s and 0s that impress people I’ll never meet and that won’t improve my life after I eventually stop playing. I just don’t like it when people disingenuously want an experience to be exclusive. Remember that there will be a tipping point where Blizzard decided that Classic servers cost more to run than they’re worth and they’ll shut them down. Reducing player counts by being exclusionary and elitist will only hasten that.

Why did this dumb thread get necro’d back to front page

Blizzard also said no to the Barber Shop once.

Trust me. This will change the minute Activision realizes how much money can be made on transfers, and it will happen over the screams and whining of the 251 people who upvoted a “No! Never!” and they will like the rest of us over on retail, have to deal with it.