Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Do you even hear what you’re saying

“Leave classic alone”

This doesn’t affect classic unless you mean, god forbid, this brings in more players who will play classic more often.

The issues are moot points
The issues literally do not exist

More people playing classic, even if its just for tmog in retail, is a good thing.

“b-b-b-b-b-b-ut muh ninja looters”

Ah yes, because ninja looters have existed so little prior that we have a term for them.

You don’t see a problem about people playing Classic for Tmog’s as the motivator instead of wanting to play the game for what it is??


ps: Not going to happen, get over it!


Yes. There is not a problem.

Some of THE MOST DEDICATED PLAYERS in various games play for collectables

I know that you’re stuck on your notion of “b–b-b-b-but muh commmoonity of purists”

The game will barely last a year if you don’t have anything to keep people interested long term. Just vanilla forever won’t work.

Maybe collection will keep retail going then, but has no place in Classic.

I wonder how old you are tbh.

I don’t get, why you lot needs to come here, and ruin Classic for the people who wants the genuine game from back then, instead of hopping over to your GD and advocate for Blizzard to put those damn things back in the game. Not like they don’t have the models. Capice?


I’m under 30 by a decade, which given how obsessed you are with this thing which doesnt even effect the base game not being there for solely the reason that it wasn’t in classic i don’t think can be said for you.

It doesn’t effect the base game. It is still the genuine game. The time is different however and so are the people. Chuck norris jokes aren’t going to become cool again across the entire internet and will only be in barrens chat for nostolgia.

The only thing this affects is the players who play the game. Nothing mechanically different about the game at all. Just the players and their motivations.

More players is better, more people doing more hardcore stuff even if their motivations are only shinies (which lets be real, this will be 0.001%, the rest will only see having it on retail as a bonus so stop fearmongering) is good for the health of classic.

I know that means its not 100% the same game for you because the players will be different but it will never be 100% the same game in that case again.

“bb-b–b-b-but this will ruin classic”
It won’t.
Just like how before nobody would loot ninja for tmog, and even if it did happen, it was exceedingly rare, the same thing will happen now.

“Can I have that for tmog on my retail account”
“Its an upgrade for me”
“oh well better luck next time”

You tmog guys and gals really have a problem, if your vanity is so all consuming, you won’t have a care that it really ain’t good for the Classic players. Just stop this silly crusade, and ask Blizzard to put them back in the game. Why go bother a whole player group with something they don’t want?

Anyways. I’ve made my stance clear, so I’m done here. But you are welcome to come play, and earn those items fair and square though!


I don’t think you understand.

This isn’t about them not being in the game, this is about earning things in classic and being able to see those same things in retail, much like how if you have 2 NA accounts and you get invincible on one you also have invincible on the other.

Longevity of the game. Its how you keep both versions active and its how you keep classic active for years to come.

But hey, keep acting like you understand whats going on at all. Keep living in your own pretend world that somehow people are going to magically start ninja looting just for transmog.

That what retail is for, do those activities there, they are not part of Classic.

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Ah yes, you read the topic and maybe part of the first paragraph and nothing else I see.

I want to keep both games going too, but transmog/item sharing is not the way in my view.


I understand fully. I just don’t agree with you. very different. Back in vanilla I didn’t get a chance to get the unarmoured epic mounts, as I didn’t join from day 1. But that’s ok. It is what it is, and one move on. If I could, I would be more than happy to hand over all the old items I have on my EU account, including my rare mounts, such as the Swift Zulian Tiger, as I don’t plan on playing ever again on that account (Haven’t played since 2011)

But there are many situations, where Tmog hunting is bad as a motivator. I know for example, that a Legendary like Atiesh is no longer in the game. Do you even comprehend what it would do to a guild, if someone got it, and just said “see you” and left for retail with a Guild obtained legendary weapon? Do you even know the status and how hard obtaining a true legendary was in vanilla?

Anyways. getting late here in Europe and I’ve said my piece.


Tell me whats wrong with it on your eyes.

This is alex jones tier fearmongering

Do you honestly think anyone would just magically quit after getting a legendary weapon in classic just for tmog

Do you seriously think that?

There is no logical rebuttable to this because that argument is completely devoid of logic

It’s a freaking example. read the thread. Getting tired of your bull. Go to your retail and obtain whatever transmogs you can get, just leave it out of Classic.


Its a terrible example and its literally the entire premise of your fearmongering about this. You backpedaling by calling it “just an example” despite you repeating that exact same scenario in your head over and over and over and over shows that even you know its fallacious

If anything they’d be playing MORE because they have a good weapon in classic, and they’d be excited about transmogging it on their retail account, Oh no, someone gets more use out of it than just classic, what a travesty

Go away. Come back when you have a sense of humor.

No. Nothing about classic should transfer to retail wow. Classic is its own version and you should think of it as its own game. Besides, there is no transmog in classic, so why do you think items you get there should go to a completely different game where there is?


It is literally the only item I 100% for sure know isn’t in the game. Remember I haven’t played since 2011… :crazy_face:


“but people will ninja loot just for transmog then quit and never come back”
Because people ninja looted progression raid gear in their guild just for transmog and nothing else before they removed master looter right?

Now your arguments against this are arguments against the transmog system in general.

“its the only item I…”
You know that isn’t what you’ve been saying.

“it should be its own version and you should think of it as its own game because I said so”
That isn’t an argument.

Lol, just noticed you are the original OP. That’s some tenacity you have going on there, with over 1800 posts literally telling you no. :rofl: If anything you are stubborn, I’ll give you that much! :wink:

Anyways, with that in mind, I think you have seen the various arguments against this, even a blue post. May you sleep well, I know I will! :sunglasses: