Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Having transferable rewards completely undermines the gearing process, no, never.

Mounts? Sure. Fine. Whatever.

But appearances? No.

these are not for your live tmog (unless you earned them in the past). In the past Classic environment, these items were rewarded to trusted guild raiders who supported their guild’s raid progression: this was their purpose and this is why they were pursued; if there is prestige related to these items, then it is in part due to the efforts made to obtain them alongside the appreciation a guild shows to its valued players. Hence, earning these now should not be about you walking around in live pretending to have earned this sense of historical “prestige.” These items should be a reward because you are a touchstone for your guild to support its progression as it was in Classic of the past. Hence, to play Classic in 2019 to merely obtain these items for the sake of “showing them off” in live completely undermines what it meant (and will mean) to achieve them in Classic. Thus, there should be no incentive to farm these merely for appearances, so there should be no link for tmog purposes between Classic 2019 and live.

Go farm Thunderfury on live and live happily ever after, but don’t think guilds are going to help you farm Thunderfury in Classic for the value you personally hold for your tmog.

I lost my BĂ©nĂ©diction/AnathĂ©ma due to a perma-ban 
 and i was quite devastated about that 
 i shouldn’t have done what i did 
 but what is done is done .é  Now that Classic is on it way 
 it’s like Blizzard give me ANOTHER chance to be able to be reunited with my beloved staff.

Ok, sure
 i did get it at lvl 80, and it was still a PITA, but it was the holy grail for me.

I would rather take my chance to get it on Classic, than never get it at all (pserver doesn’t count)

Sure it’s sad that the rewards doesn,t cross-over to retail. And i would LOVE to get back my staff on retail
 but again
 this is a one official chance to be reunited with my staff (even thoguht i got it in WotlK)

(Hell, if it would be in the BMAH in retail, that would be sweet 
 but that is jsut something that will enver happen too)

I mean, if we are honest, nothing kept people from leaving in Vanilla. That is just part of how the game is/was. Back in the day, you would spend months gearing up a tank and they leave for whatever reason. It was stressful. You dealt with it and found someone else. So, that isn’t the best excuse for preventing mogs to transfer from from Classic to retail. People may leave either way.

Anything someone can get in classic that would transfer to retail would cause a bunch of people in classic taking items they only wanted for their retail account. It would ruin classic for those of us who only plan on playing classic.


Acti-Blizz can’t have what little player base that’s left leaving their game and finding out the OG was better.

Hence their current position on Unarmored mounts, not being in the game, and their reasoning behind it.


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and another ‘I want classic 
 oh wait no I don’t’ thread.
Sorry but no. there should not even be a mount or pet tab and they should be 80% of your ‘free’ space and bank space if you (like me) are a collector

I wish people would stop necroing this thread. Classic and current retail game are separate and will remain separate. As it should be.

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Imagine all those people who show up to PvP during Childen’s Week only to do the achievement. They have no idea how to PvP and don’t really care. All they care about is getting that achievement done for a mount. Pvp’ers HATE that week. Now imagine those same tourist types showing up in Classic for the same thing. Utter disaster for the Classic community.


If playing Classic itself isn’t enough incentive to play that you need cross game rewards, simple solution - don’t play it it isn’t for you.