Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

seems the valorous is a little darker shade of green and gold too. at least to me.

Yea they all have some differences, look at the warrior set they added blades to the shoulders and a skull to the chest. Along with colors being different its a nice update for WoTLK but I still prefer the original from vanilla.

You earned and obtained them in CLASSIC, NOT retail.

You will be able to show them off in the game in which you earned and obtained them–CLASSIC.

You did NOT EARN or obtain them in retail. IMO, you are NOT entitled to have access to them in a game in which you neither earned nor obtained them.


Most of what can be obtained in Classic can still be obtained some way in Modern WoW. For the things that are no longer available, who cares? Honestly, some things being unobtainable makes them more prestigious and that’s not necessarily always a bad thing.

I tried for months to get a Corrupted Ashbringer back in TBC, never got it. Oh well, that’s too bad for me, my life went on and the tiny bit of regret I feel is worth having an item in the game that those with it can show off to the nerds that never got it.


Players would be able to get those things on that Wrath server, but they should not carry over to retail.

While I totally agree that these items carry prestige, most of the people with these items went back at the end of TBC and got them EZ mode before blizzard deleted content from their game


Essentially I’m saying that I don’t think it’s impressive 99% of the time because they got it after it was relevant.

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That’s true, I still have a bunch of stuff I got from facerolling Naxx at 70 (which some people claim was hard in T6 gear, absolutely false).

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I wish I was smart enough to do that believe me… I wish I could go back in time.

Never even thought to do that, or that they would remove it.

While I’ll agree with 'the same players showing up to say no" aspect, it doesn’t address the 37 likes in support vs the 200+ likes shown in opposition. Just because others aren’t bothering to post(in large part because they know others such as “those people” are going to reply, or already have) doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Nice try. I see reading comprehension is not your forte, but rearranging and redefining words to fit your agenda apparently is. You’re funny … not the “ha ha ha” kind, either. YOU are the one that said YOUR self-accomplishment requires an inanimate object, no one else. You own that one all by yourself. :rofl:


But it DOESN’T transfer over, as Blizzard has told you it WON’T. Your argument is circular, i.e. it doesn’t go anywhere.


Thank you!

People who didn’t earn those items in vanilla don’t deserve the prestige of being able to use them on retail if earned in classic. I’m sorry to those who disagree, but it just wouldn’t be fair.


You really need to think of retail and classic as two separate things. Two different existences, two different dimensions/universes.

Everything in retail has it’s value based on the history of the game. If you allow classic to change things in retail you are adjusting the values of rewards/achievements. You’re going back in time and giving yourself things that potentially no longer exist.

It’s a different game. It’s a different everything. Retail and Classic should never be linked.


raises thread

Sorry if this had already been brought up in this 1,700+ post thread, but what about allowing specific items that are near endgame and aren’t ninjable? Like Quel’serrar and Rhok’delar and the like?

This thread needs to be locked.


sorry blue might need to check your facts, apparently CE pets will have “crossover” between retail and classic, despite the “damaging” slippery slope it creates

Uh there’s not crossover there, the Vanilla pets are going to be in Vanilla.

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CE pets were there day one of vanilla… get over it im not palying nice anymore when i see people having a baby fit over this you didnt get CE back in the day get over it move on in life and maybe be kind to someone you see with those pets. because we are dedicated to this game we cherish it.

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How many times have we been over this? Can someone just sticky a FAQ to the top of the forum?

It ruins the economy, encourages ninjaing, and we don’t want the game filled with people who are only playing because they want to hijack loot.


This is a horrible proposal, you’ve outlined the issues, but you just want to ignore them for selfish reasons. The main argument against this is certainly not “sophistry” at all. This sort of behavior already exists in the game within certain systems, and would certainly reveal its ugly head in this scenario.

I’m happy with the fact that the team, even Ion, have reiterated that they understand the philosophy of classic and such systems like you’re suggesting will have no place.