Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

All of the tier .05 sets are available in retail from the dark moon fair, I am wearing the full pally set on my pally.

The tier .0 sets are also available from those same vendors

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ok, so if you get raid gear, I do not want to see you afk in any major city to show off what you got, the same with any legendary, that’s “Self accomplishment” in your words.

But you can do that in vanilla because it’s a part of vanilla…


So then if I do it in vanilla, and it transfers over, I should be able to show it off too right? Because I worked for it? But isn’t that a good thing? I mean, it’s self accomplishment for earning it through a legit means over cheesing it. And again, project guilds do not cut it for me. It’s not the same.

Tiny percentage? Are you looking at the fact you’re the only one in this thread arguing for crossover? Get over it man

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Ahh, nvm then, just as long as it isn’t only the horrible recolour I saw somewhere. I was disappointed when they introduced the Collections system and they’d already removed Wildheart in Cata.


as far as i’m concerned you can have them in retail all you want. just ask blizzard to add them back to retail and make them able to be earned there.
i don’t think rewards should link from classic to retail though, because while YOU intend to play classic to play classic, it would cause issues with others who are literally only there to get rewards for retail, and have no real interest in classic.

they can. in classic wrath. not in retail.


I Bet that you’ll see many other threads that have asked for this, but where shut down by the same people responding here and now, maybe a handful more that aren’t active anymore, but most definitely there were players on board with them too. And on a side note, they don’t talk on the classic forums because of talking to the same players, over and over and over.

We didnt shut it down… Blizzard did. Get your facts straight


it depends on what transmog they are their for. and what they are willing to do to get that transmog. the last thing i want to do is help the guild priest or hunter get their epic weapon only to see them dissapear for good.

unless they are good enough to go for the whole shebang of tier 3, i can totally see ZG tiger mounts getting ninjaed, Benediction and Rhok, etc.

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They weren’t locked. They just don’t bother. Get your facts straight.

So what, you’re saying they would have to pay blizzard to transfer there character over from classic/wrath over to retail in order to gain it? That sounds like theft.

Tier 3 Transmog is already available as the first Wrath tier set. Pixel for pixel.

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what are you talking about? if you want benediction you can get it.

in classic wow. it doesn’t carry over to retail though.
if you want undying you can have it. in classic wrath. it doesn’t carry over to retail though.

there is things i missed out on by virtue of being in the military and being deployed. i still don’t think i should be able to unlock those though.

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different colors though.

I wasn’t talking about the threads. I was talking about when Blizzard stated that there would be no crossover. I know words are hard

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Nope. Pixel for Pixel, the 25 man Naxxramas set is identical to the Tier 3 set. The 10 man is the recolor.

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It’s available in all of its glory on the black market auction house for the small price of an unknown time investment and hundreds of dollars

false. - (grey/teal) original vanilla - 10 man (grey/red) - 25 man (blue/gold)

Damn, Rogues got screwed.

Druid’s are green/gold in 25 man and Vanilla.

But now that I look at it, they’re slightly more decorated, but that seems to be more of a “higher pixel count model” than a rewrite.