Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

I already asked you yesterday to give us some examples of specific items that you cannot obtain in retail, that you want to be able to collect and you failed to do that.

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they want stuff like benediction, the hunter bow, the AQ mount, and T3.


you do realize that there is items that have been removed from the game that occur before naxx right?


removed or not, to me it’s more of earning it. Not just go in and stomp.

And I’m pretty certain there’s removed recipes that are no longer available to the game, unless they brought them back.

I would give them my Zulian Tiger if I could, if it kept them out of Classic, unless they are there to play the game for the game instead of trophy hunting.

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If Blizzard wanted them to have this stuff in retail, the stuff would already be in retail. Blizzard has reasons, I presume they like seeing some items carry prestige from the old days.

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Yes I am aware of those, and again, I want to EARN those items. And why can’t have get them on retail, because you said so? So by that logic, if they do a wrath server, players can’t get the Undying title anymore because it was removed? as well as the wrath judgement off color items too?

Is there a way to lookup the bnet of people asking for this garbage so I can make sure I’m not in any guilds with them?


this I completely disagree with… tier 3 is still available in the game… as a gold sink, not only that but most of the people that got their “unobtainable” items went back and ez mode did them during TBC. I do not think items earned in classic should carry over but I do think blizzards design decision to remove items from their game is asinine and speaks to the logic that led the game into ruin.

How I view retail, the master of your account that holds everything you have gotten.

How I view classic and possible other expansion servers, a chance to get everything before the were removed.

If however blizzard does bring them back to the current game, so what? I am still going to be playing both, more on classic then retail. Classic has many, many things I love about it over retail, but guess what, retail has a small handful of things I like about it too.

I like to show off stuff I earned, not show off stuff that I unlocked because I can cheese it.

That’s not how blizzard views it though… in their eyes these are two entirely seperate games.

Then classic isn’t for you, and shouldn’t be changed to fit your view of what the game should be.

Bye bye


It would increase the total playerbase. Those people hunting transmog would no be there for a short time if they wanted the stuff that is unavailable in Retail. Or they’ll realise how much effort it is, and stop like a tourist.

Any transmog hunter that wants more than 1 or 2 items would be branded as a ninja and be unable to get anything further.

Honestly, you’re going to have a similar question anyway for “how long will they last”. If someone chooses to raid partly so they can get transmog, they still have to do all the work to get to those transmog, and if they just want instances for retail rewards… you’ll find out fast enough. They won’t exactly be hiding it.

Why not use your energy on the GD board instead, and start lobby for some time-travel dungeons? If so many from retail wants those oddities, surely you will a sizeable backing to implement them.

Classic is a museum-piece, and they already said no. Throwing a tantrum, and then proceed to “argue” with vanilla players isn’t doing you any favours.

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Of course it’s a different game, it became different when cata hit. They didn’t do anything to maintain the old world. How many people do you think where upset about it? I was. And I’m sure you were too.

Wildheart Raiment, Felheart Raiment - I have the second because I got it in Classic and held on to it forever, but none of the Tier 0 or Tier 0.5 sets are available in Retail.

Which is a pity because the Wildheart is the best Druid set in the game.

Sorry, but that’s something I do not want :slight_smile:

If it’s about “self accomplishment,” why do you need something from classic to be available in retail? That’s not “self” accomplishment … that’s “self” accomplishment + an inanimate object. “Self” accomplishment doesn’t need any supporting objects. It’s like a “motivational seminar;” if you’re motivated to go to the seminar, aren’t you already motivated?

Neither is classic

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That’s not what we are talking about though… you believe the games are linked through more than just subscription… they are not, two different games… two seperate sets of accomplishments.

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