Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

You aren’t getting your way… it doesn’t matter how many people agree with you (though from this thread it doesn’t seem like many here do), blizzard stated that the games aren’t linked.


I would hope so considering this is a blizzard game.


And blizzard didn’t cave in to there player base before? Yeah no, this is about self accomplishment. But that’s something beyond you clearly.

We (you) just need to accept this simple fact.

Even if I were the ONLY person on here and the ONLY person to play classic WoW that doesn’t want linked rewards, it wouldn’t matter.

Because, it’s not going to be in the game anyway.

The sooner you understand this and accept this the better off you will be.

Got it?

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Honestly, I couldn’t care less if Classic unlocked things in Retail as long as nothing went the other way.

Let the transmog hunters have their false old school, it’ll make Classic more popular when they realise what they’ve been missing, and those who think 0.5 will be easy are going to be mistaken anyway.

Oh give me a break on that speech. It wouldn’t effect you in anyway shape or form if you didn’t touch the current game.

show me these plenty of people who want your supposed link.
the op in this thread got 37 likes. including the OP that is 38. the very first response, saying no, has 221 likes.
so go ahead. provide a source showing all the people who want linked rewards.

so should we do something for the minority?

in that case, let’s make retail like classic and burning crusade.
what’s the big deal, we’re just appealing to the minority right?

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Doesn’t matter if it effects me or not.

It’s not in the game.

Do you understand that?

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Aside from Classic itself, nothing Blizzard has “caved” to was making Classic “less authentic”. Your argument is self defeating there.

Actually it does affect me. The intensity of this weird need makes my skin crawl.

Blizzard has caved to their player base before, you are totally right. But in this situation they will not, transmog, collections would be so damaging to the game that if they implemented it more people would NOT play because of it.


Why would they bother posting when dealing with players like you mat? Oh right because they don’t want to deal with players. I am ok with that. Someone has too. But in your eyes, people that have a different POV, are trolls, and it’s clear as day in this thread.

source or get out.
you said plenty of people want linked rewards. i want a source.


Boys speaking logic to him discussing the issues with this isn’t going to persuade him.

He just needs to be reminded that it doesn’t matter what the arguments are, it’s not happening.


And how many players would buy items for there personal RP gear? A LOT, same when it comes to dungeon/raid drops. This is and RPG after all, or are you back peddling on that?

and like we said, we don’t want this because it would literally lead to an increase in ninja looting, it would lead to distrust between players, and it would increase turnover.

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I don’t even understand the “big deal” here. If Classic wasn’t announced, retail people would just have carried on. So…carry on?

What the heck is so important from Classic, that persons think it is ok to disrupt a game for others??

Anyways, the argument is mood. They’ve already said no cross-over because this is a preservation project, not a play-pen for collectors.


Ninja loot till what, old naxx? They would have to wait for that.

Not back pedaling at all… but I have NEVER seen someone take something of use in PvE or PvP for RP reasons. I collect RP gear in vanilla… various offhands and armor sets that I can mess around with my friends in … I don’t take gear that drops that people need… I buy trash off the AH that looks cool.

my problem with this is 3 fold

  1. it would increase player turnover. now i expect turnover in classic, it happens in every game, but that doesn’t mean we should go out of our way to increase the amount of turnover happening.
  2. it would lead to an increase in ninja looting. same reasoning as above.
  3. it would lead to distrust between players in classic wow. i would look at everyone joining my guild and asking myself if they were playing classic to play classic or if they are going to be playing classic to earn rewards in retail.