Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Ok, let me ask you this, if someone does ninja it, and the item drops next lock out, what’s the problem then? THERE ISN’T ONE! what if that ninja was pure trash compared to someone else? And you’re telling me, that EVERYONE is going to only play because of purely something cosmetic? If they just up and leave, even if they did, it wouldn’t be something that would “slow you down” at the end of the day. And how many people do you think are going to do this? you’re acting like the whole server is going to do this. You guys are short sighted, and acting like children over something that isn’t a big deal at all. So what, have master loot? Use loot council? WHICH WAS A HUGE THING FOR CLASSIC BTW, not just open rolls and hope for the best. Certain players got loot over others, again, do not be feeding me this BULL CRAP of “omg someones gonna ninja it for purely unlockables…” no. They would have to grind the levels AND get BiS to raid compared to know, which is not a joke. That is way more time consuming then it is in retail. SO again, I do not think someone would just UP AND LEAVE for the time they put into it.

Because we have a great game in Classic. Why do ANYTHING that might unbalance it and mess it up? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

If you think you need that unavailable transmog junk in the current game, lobby Blizzard to re-release it there.


So bringing in more players, is a unbalanced thing? Come the fudge on bro. You need 40+ players for raids, don’t feed me this Bull crap.

It’s not about that, “oh just go on your main”, hell no, I want to EARN the items, not just jump in and one shot everything. There are players with this mind set that will be playing both and want to be proud they earned something, not handed to them. Isn’t that what you guys want? Sounds like you are now back paddling on what made classic great.

Because they are not “players”, they are grifters there to pirate scraps. There will be plenty of players without any link whatsoever to retail.

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And there’s plenty of players that want that link. Just because they don’t bother posting on the forums, doesn’t mean it’s not a truth.

No one is saying you can’t come play Classic. You just can’t take anything away from it for retail.

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You’re UNLOCKING it to retail, not taking it away form classic , you keep everything you get in classic.

Someone as deeply invested in transmog in Retail as you seem to be, is not Classic material. They are very different games intended to attract a very different type of player.

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I think everyone is aware of that. The people who’s primary game is going to be classic don’t want it to be a side show for BFA players. Its meant to be a stand alone game, not a tramsmog collector for people in BFA. If you didnt get those items when they were available in the live game you shouldnt diminish the accomplishments of old school players who actually obtained those rare items.

If you missed out on getting them when they were available… too bad.


If stone tablets fell from the sky, with the words “rewards linking between classic and retail will not happen” chiseled neatly and legibly, there would be a line of folks thousands of miles long that wouldn’t believe it. Same thing if a burning bush spoke those same words to them. They’d even argue with a fat, sitting oriental guy in a robe who told them that.

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Um, my point is, If I am putting time and energy into a classic server, those appearances should transfer over. This isn’t something that I’m going to duck out when I get something I want, but I do not speak for the masses. I only speak for myself. And I want to be proud of the stuff I earned, not just, again, run it on a max level to unlock something. No, project guilds aren’t the same feeling. This doesn’t change anything for anyone.

And btw, I’m not investing into transmogs. I like the concept of it for RP reasons, but again, someone like you doesn’t understand that. and speaking of RP, PEOPLE in classic would roll for items they didn’t need over someone who did for RP reason, don’t feed me that bull crap.

Why though? If I put energy into WC3 there is no benefit for me playing other games. Why should classic be a side show for BFA?

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You guys are still responding to this troll?


Everything this dude has typed equates to “WAhhhhhhhhhhhh I want transmogs that i cant get on live”


that is a troll and this is bait


I just came into this thread so yea… realizing now Im arguing with a troll… ty for the heads up


No problem, wasted about an hour of my life yesterday trying to explain reason.

You are too for why it shouldn’t be, so what’s the difference? You’re right, I’m wrong?

Exactly . . .


You’re points are valid for a TINY percent who don’t want anything to do with the game outside Classic wow. Again, do not feed me this bull crap of oh you lucked out so you shouldn’t get it anymore.