Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

And thats where you are wrong, and that why you are confused by the answer NO that Blizzard gave you. This means a lot to us. And its meant a lot to us for years. Some of this community were asking for this before the game even HAD pets that didnt take up inventory spots and before transmog was even in the game.

But its all good. We aren’t sorry for our stance on keeping retail away from Classic either.


Vanilla WoW did not have transmog. What more needs to be said here? It’s not a part of the game.


Couldn’t those that are advocating for transmog link rewards to retail from classic, be advocating for time walking classic dungeons with removed loot in them.

Lol, you are having a stomping tantrum over not getting your way. Im going to post it again, just so I can envision the veins protruding from your neck as you rage about what you are entitled to:

Man oh man, retail has really ruined you guys man. You just think you can have anything you want, even after the employees of the company literally tell you no.

Well, let me double down on that,


In fact, on top of an ex Blizzard employee saying it. Now heres a current employee saying it too ON VIDEO!


Do you care what current lead developer John Hight has to say on the issue? Because he has said no twice.

Introducing additional rewards into Classic- in this case transmog items you can use in BfA - changes player behaviour in a social game where other people’s behaviors affect you. E.g. Someone rolling on gear I want to use for their transmog set.


@Tracerr, the same guy that says, you think you do but you don’t? Yeah no, I wont take your word for it.

@Cleavis And? This is nothing new even for the classic community. You had players rolling for the item for RP reasons, don’t give me that bull crap.

You know if you would have opened your eyes instead of having a temper tantrum like a 2 year old you would have seen in the video Tracerr linked that J. Allen Brack isn’t seen at all so no it didn’t come from the guy who said “You think you do but you don’t”


Calling it out is not a tantrum.

Ether way, it was a blizzard guy that said it. I do not need some sly oh it’s this guy that says this over this guy argument.

Well if diminishing the rewards of players is the problem why not make updated models of the old mounts and want not give them to the players that earned them back then. Then allow players to unlock the old ones in classic.

Then quit making false claims, use facts not opinion as fact and you might have a chance of people respecting why you want this in classic. Plus it is important to know because J. Allen Brack isn’t the guy in the video saying it will not happen.


Still waiting on why my suggestion to petition Blizzard to re-add vanilla items to retail is not an acceptable alternative.


seems like a good idea to me. though frankly some stuff shouldn’t be obtainable. like the Black AQ mount.

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I tend to agree with you, but would regard it as the lesser of two evils in any case. (Of course, the best solution is the one Blizzard has stated: completely separate games, abandon all hope ye who enter here.)

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Because they’re happy with some items being rare and reserved to the people who earned them at the time. This was another reason they stated (in Classic panel) for not making items crossover. They said people should be playing classic because they want to play classic, and that rare or no longer attainable items should be special and stay rare/unobtainable.


I still can’t agree with the crossover.

The reason for playing Classic should be the desire to play Classic, not because the player will get something extra in Retail.

Just my opinion, of course, but I don’t think rewards should be linked.


I agree, no way they should be linked. It’s like playing hearthstone for a wow mount. It totally screws with the monthly progression of actual hearthstone players. It was one of the dumbest things Blizz ever did, and hearthstone players weren’t happy about the high level of tourists.

Classic items are staying in classic. This was already stated by Blizz. I can’t understand why these people keep trying…


Saying it is raining is not an argument to open a floodgate.

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i can’t believe i’m about to say this but.
i’m agreeing with fallanaa.

thought the same thing.

You are telling the gnome to grow up when it is you who is acting like a spoiled brat. Just LOL!

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