Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

I can guarantee that level 60 takes a long long time and if someone does that just for an xmog/mount, they deserve it as they put in far more work than anything else takes in Retail.

I said this isn’t BfA, like you shouldn’t get rewards in a game you didn’t accomplish something in.

Classic rewards should stay in classic. BfA rewards should stay in BfA. Classic isn’t BfA. This isn’t BfA.

You understand?

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And my point is what makes yku think they are going to wait to join classic until people are selling runs?
What makes you think everyone is going to live in your happy little world and wait in line and only join guilds selling loot runs?


Yeah, but the time to get to ever raid was through a huge time investment. This isn’t just a simple, walk into a raid and get loot, you had to work your way up to get to raid.

No they don’t. They deserve it in CLASSIC, sure. They don’t deserve anything in their other game they played as it’s not the same game.

Should I get a new CoD skin because I got a nice CSGO skin the other day? No, because they aren’t the same game.


You can show it off–in the game in which you obtained it.

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Yeah… no sorry mate not going to happen. I want my retail zulian tiger to transfer over to classic when it launches to, or my deathcharger.


Never said they would, and what makes you think classic will be as great as you say it is? You’re words when it comes to this being “perfect little world” not me.

You are right it does, that doesn’t justify giving someone a reward in a completely different game though. Sorry bout your luck.

Wouldn’t they naturally move on to Classic and finish all of that content then? Honestly, if we’re talking about the literal 100s of people that are “completionists” within the larger frame of millions that would have a larger incentive to play Classic, we’re just not going about this in the same way.

And yet its still creating problems for the classic community. Which is the problem

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Now you’re just trolling to troll.

Why would I be worried? short answer, I’m not.

Why would they if they already got the items they wanted? Anyone can get items in T1-T2 content today in retail… If they just wanted some items that are gone like let’s say benediction, then why would they continue to play if that’s all they needed

Why play the game at all? Because they enjoy it.

If they’re here just to hunt items, let them. Putting months of free time into a game just for a handful of items is insane and the number of people that will actually do that are in the dozens.

Who says it’s purely just items? Because I said linked rewards? I highly dought most players would leave if it was linked. The time investment on classic vs retail, is more satisfying in classic then retail.

It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 person or 1000000 people it shouldn’t be something that is in the community.

There shouldn’t be people logging into classic just to hit level 20 so they can get some dungeon item that they want xmoged thats gone.

I don’t need to argue this with you because blizzard has already explained this to you on why they don’t want it and why it WON’T be in classic.

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You shouldn’t be playing a game just because it’s linked to another one you play. You should be playing the game because you want to play it. You know whats dumber than not playing classic because it isn’t linked? Actually playing classic and going through all of that time commitment solely because you are getting tiny rewards on the game you actually prefer.

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Discontinued items shouldn’t be included. Simply items that have a source in Retail. Also, why not add achievements in Retail for Classic? I has no effect on Classic other than added incentive and it won’t bother Retail one bit.

when did I prefer retail? Just wondering.