Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

That depends on the player. Nothing you or I can do about it. It is purely “Good Faith” as you put it. How do you know that the guild you joined for classic wow that was gonna raid MC, will disband after failing for 3 weeks because of attendance and what not? That’s called “Good Faith”.

You’re speaking of a person that wouldn’t have otherwise leveled to 60 and done all the work to get raid-ready and then the raids themselves.

The amount of time required is immense and at that point they will have progressed further than 99% of the playerbase in Vanilla.

I see no problem with this.

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Not all the items desired are at level 60.


Yes but you will have people rolling on things they otherwise wouldn’t have which effects the game in a negative way.

The difference is while yes i can expect some player turnover, i don’t go looking for reasons to add more people to the player turnover.
Which is exactly what would happen with linked rewards.


Name some that aren’t 60 please.

I don’t think all items should be included. Only things that are attainable in Retail from one source or another.

People were already selling loot in classic wow, so your argument means little to nothing.

This will happen, even if you were trying to be “minimal” about it, it will happen. That’s like saying no one will murder someone, guess what, people do.

You don’t. I do. Now you have to replace that priest and one of your existing priests doesn’t have one of the best weapons in thr game

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There are hundreds… if not thousands of quest rewards that have been removed from the game.

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Then let those people get them in retail. No reason to cause more frustration on the classic players.


People aren’t going to be selling loot right away. Imagine losing your guilds first benediction or rhok


I’m not interested in Xmog at all so I don’t have a list nor do I feel like looking them up. But there is a HUGE amount of items that have been straight up deleted from the database either through quests no longer being available or just loot tables changed. You shouldn’t be rewarded in retail for doing something in classic. You should be rewarded in classic for doing something in classic and that’s it. This isn’t BfA

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No it doesn’t ruin my argument at all actually lol.

If there is ONE person who logs onto classic in order to just get xmogs, you already have tampered with the amount of people who will be doing these behaviors, effectively increasing it. That can not be argued against as it’s common sense.

You know what common sense is?

No one is saying that these things will never happen, like ninja looting. We are saying it will create a new form of ninja looting and make it more prevalent.


A worse form of ninja looting, one where the item may not even be used OR sold but will simply rot away as if the player had quit.

If a player starts playing solely for the added incentives, they’re still going to get filtered out by level 30 if Classic isn’t for them.

If they make it to 60, they’re much more likely to keep playing and actually appreciate Classic for what it is.

You totally missed when I said when they would be doing this. I know that guilds aren’t going to be selling loot runs right away. I also didn’t say when. This largely depends on how they get loot through RNG.

Stop throwing what I said to your directive. I assumed, you knew when I said they would sell loot drops. But clearly not. They wouldn’t be selling unless they had everyone get everything out of the raid first. I was 100% this was self explained.

Your entire argument makes no sense! You get rewards in BfA for doing something in Classic and yet “this isn’t BfA”? Yes it is… that’s what we’re talking about.

Can you guarantee that? No.


by adding collections to the game you are ADDING a gameplay mechanic/scenario that did not exist in vanilla… you are adding a social dynamic that did not exist in vanilla. Even if people play both and are dedicated you are still altering the logic of the player and altering what they gain by rolling on an item.

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I believe this for most people. There are people who literally just play the game to get EVERYTHING. And if you give them more opportunities to get more stuff they will do it as they have nothing else to do with their lives.

I realize Asmongold makes money off streaming his completionist stuff, but there are a LOT of people who do exactly what he does spending hours and days on end farming xmog stuff just because.