So far there seems to be - limited sharding, loot trading, those are things that most Classic players did not want. Achievements would be a huge third addition that even less people ever wanted, and by “less people” i mean those who wanted a Classic server to begin with. So Blizzard is on the right page with this at least.
Things which weren’t discovered until much later are now common knowledge.Tosh. Original-Classic raiders had all the spreadsheets, analysis, and whatever else you're imagining is a new invention.
Thank you. It all starts blending together over the years.
Oh right. Forgot about them. They were pulled out long before I was even able to afford an epic mount. Didn’t they add the ZG ones back when they revamped it? Or were they altered version like the war bear from zul aman?
The ZG mounts you can get now are not the same as the original mounts from ZG.
kitty mount for the horde
Ok. Thanks.
Funny and completelt unrelated to the ZG mounts, I was just thinking how horrible it would be if the mounts we have now did carry over. They were items in the orginal game and would fill up every available space and then probably the mail boxes instantly.
Since the reward linking thing isn’t possible, perhaps some unobtainable items from Vanilla days could be re-implemented in some way on live?
For example, my Rogue wears the Guardian Leather set, but the matching shoulders and boots are no longer obtainable. Why not add them back in some form, maybe as crafted Guardian leather items?
Quest rewards aside, there’s a myriad of mob-specific drops that are listed in the Transmog Wardrobe but are completely unobtainable now (largely due to Cataclysm). The Lumbering Ogre Axe is a great example of this, since the mob that dropped them (Dustbelcher Lord) was removed when the Badlands were revamped for Cata.
Exactly this^
Funny, I would think that increasing the popularity and longevity of Classic would be a good thing.
Right… So use Classic to buffer retail content/collections and promote ninja looting? No.
The problem would be turnover issues and those who are playing classic to play classic would get frustrated.
Just watched that priest get benediction? Gone.
Just watched that tank get his full t3. Gone.
We’d also have to deal with people selling carries for gold.
Yeah, some people would go, but some would stay. That’s how gaming works.
If you treat Classic like it’s a bad lifestyle choice, of course no one wants to be a part of that.
Gearing is the main obstacle… and I keep saying this in like every single topic. Yeah… of course it is… Gee… I wonder if the developers should try to resolve this problem…
I’m really starting to come to this realization that these developers aren’t coming to terms with why Classic became Burning Crusade and didn’t stay Classic. I just don’t think they’re quite getting that this concept is only good until people actually realize that it isn’t.
And here’s another point while I’m at it. How long do you guys think it would take people to farm out every single piece of Naxx gear for transmogs? It would take years I think.
So how is that bad for Classic longevity anyway?
There’s so much that I just don’t like with how this is being handled.
then dont play it. in the words of the Q&A panel; We already have everything we would do. But we don’t have everything we did back then.
please play bfa/modern wow.
then i have no idea what you have been arguing for in this topic and with your replies.
The fact is they aren’t going to do something like this and thank God for that.
Why do people continually feel the need to try to modify classic?
I wouldn’t be so sure that they won’t eventually do it anyway. But, that’s neither here nor there. It would be good for longevity is my point. You guys are so short-term minded in everything.
I’m sorry i would rather not deal with a bunch of people whose only interest in classic is getting mounts and mogs for retail. Can you imagine being a group with such a person?
“Sorry man, know you need that but I’m rolling for mogs”.
Are you kidding me? As if that isn’t going to be a problem either way.
Edit: I mean collecting items is part of the game (transmog or not).