Everything about this is difficult for the people advocating these linkings between retail and classic… Either they’re very purposefully trolling or they are just spoiled rotten and have to get their way because WoW has given them all the participation trophies in the past few years so now Classic needs to give them their participation trophies to look “0|-| 50 1337”
Moon. He will just keep cherry picking that ONCE sentence out of all of Ys’s replies and keep quoting it as if it’s the word of Moses, Christ, and Mohammed all at once and ignore anything else Ys has said, or we can dredge up. So.
you bought the original game, registered it, got the CE and it has now evolved into BFA.
how you can not grasp that this is a completely separate game from the soon to be released remake- is beyond me.
not only are you NOT going to be able to have items from a separate license but you are also NOT going to be able to do what the op is asking for, in general.
they might create new items for the remake release but if you keep going on about this discussion you are on, you are obviously a troll. and a bad one at that.
Yeah, and then people will counter with the other quote. What’s wrong with someone having an opinion? Oh, right…you don’t want other people to be happy. Or slippery slope…or whatever your reason is.
I have literally never said ‘NO PLEASE DONT INCLUDE THE CE’S IT’LL BE TERRIBLE.’
I am merely the devils advocate stating that
“We already got them, in retail. So please dont hold your breath that we will just be GRANTED them just because in classic” we got a ‘I’ll ask and look into it’ and that will be the best we can get unless people makes asses about themselves and keep trying to observe the situation and then change it because they just HAD to look, just HAD TO KNOW.
Stop trying to look at the stone and let the chips fall where they may.
We have already been told in Q&A. Multiple times, dozens really, on the forums that these two games shall not be considered the same game.
The explanation they gave of how they ressurected Classic, and how cataclysm and the other assets changed the world and how the data interacts with eachother as to why they cant just include it as a tag-on to WoW’s current servers… That this will TRULY be two separate entities of Blizzards productions and that Classic and Current will not be linked. So many times over and nobody wants to listen or pay attention. Just stuff the wool in their ears and clamor for watering down Classic to fit their need of participation trophies.
i will do no such thing. you are wrong- period and i am not going to leave the topic because you cant grasp how game registration works. because if it worked the way you claim it does, people could keep reinstalling it and registering it to keep getting the same rewards over and over again. its limited to ONE use.
Mmmmm yes, but only in reference to items like gear and mounts and other things. Not ONE person has asked about CE items, except me and a couple of other people here. And I see the CE pets/Murky as a gray area because they haven’t announced a Classic CE and if they don’t, then those pets are gone in Classic. That’s not an “authentic experience”.
Those pets arent gone. You still have them. On live. The CE was a shot back in 2004 to attain something. As a 2019 release I would hope they add in a classic CE but I wont hold my breath. This is a time capsule - to play the game - not to sit in ironforge on the bridge and preen your epeen about your minidiablo.
If that’s what you care about in your experience playing classic then… Well… I’ma go kick some horde butt and level out in world while you waddle around your house exclaiming about your diablo.
I dont think you’ve even read a couple sentences of what I’ve written about the CE pets and how I feel about them.
what does this even mean? are you seriously comparing original experience, in which you claimed your rewards- to a remake of an experience that is being as authentic as possible- as if to say that the ONLY thing to make it authentic, is a reward you USED UP in the original?
they arent even the same game. but lets pretend that you are making sense (which you arent)- you really want to invalidate the original experience, so much that the rewards you earned- are transferred into a version that didnt even exist?
i hate trolls…and im glad demands like this fall on deaf ears.
Then you’re an idiot. Because I’ve never been against the CE’s, and have firmly stated so. What I have stated is that we shouldnt expect them, we shouldnt complain if we DONT get them. Because Classic is NOT BFA. And You got those rewards once… In what is now BFA, and Classic is a completely different game from it.