Do you realize the amount of coding that would need to be done to link the two games in such a way? Sorry. I’d rather them deliver classic on time then put in the necessary code so you can get your pet.
You wouldn’t possibly deliberately lie about someone “cherry picking” and then try to deflect by bringing up something entirely unrelated when asked to provide proof to back up your accusations, would you?
Does my profile being hidden prevent you from reading or quoting my past posts?
Or is it simply that you were deliberately lying about me “cherry picking” and you cannot provide any quotes of me “cherry picking” only the top half of those posts?
Its flagged through battle net. Which is different. Its not “linked” but on battle net the registry of certain achievements and the like “unlock” and flag the account for the loot reward in a different game.
It wouldnt NOT be hard at all to implement the CE pets into classic. Its already there…
NOW. We go back to
CLASSIC and BFA will be two completely separate entities and thus should not be though of as “linked” or the “same game” because they really are not.
Now. You have the CE on live, yes? You got those pets during Vanilla for which you paid for the CE yes? Well… Then you have that reward. That you got, 14 years ago… its not gone and magically doesnt disappear.
While the CE pets were a gameplay experience for YOU, and me, and others who bought the CE pets they are NOT part of the integral systems and functioning of the game which i would assume to be their focus on what to emulate.
Starman, we’ve already had Ys confirm that he would speak about it, perhaps bring it up and work on getting something laid out to get back to us but TOLD US TO NOT HOLD OUR BREATH. But HONESTLY. 100%. Even with the CE when WoW first came out it wasnt that big of a part of Vanilla. It was a talking piece, nothing more and nothing less.
It was part of a PITTANCE’S of people’s play experience and while you remember it fondly, is not an integral aspect to Classic and thus need to stop trying to force your way through the topic and let it be for a while. Bring it up in a few months and see if Ys has a better answer for you then. But right now? Give it a rest please.
You’ve gained your inch Star, stop trying to make it a mile.
As would I. Let people show their support for Classic with a CE. But it has nothing to do with a CE that people bought for a different game. A game where they still have access to those rewards.