Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Still think that people with a different opinion are trolls? Sad, dude.


Blizzard has a hard stance on not devaluing old rewards so this wont happen. And while I agree with Blizzard on this - i also find it funny that Blizzard still allows you to obtain Justicar.

Starman, it’s getting embarrassing at this point. It’s ok to let things go you know.


Still doesn’t hold any water. Especially since Naxx40’s removal was not planned, but rather a response to Blizzard’s screw up.

Regardless of whether or not it was planned, it’s a time exclusive reward that shouldn’t be available in the current expansion.

Either way, Blizz already said it’s not happening :smile:


They said the same thing about Classic too…

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Overwhelming demand caused them to change their mind. There is no overwhelming demand to taint Classic with reward-seekers while simultaneously muting the value of old, no-longer-available classic items in the Modern game.


At least not yet there isn’t. Maybe after a couple of years or so of Classic after a lot ofpeople have hung out there and gotten as far as they wanted to endgame-wise, Blizzard will open things up to bring people into Classic to farm stuff like transmog. I could see that as a compromise – a decent, as-authentic-as-possible launch and 2-3 year experiment, followed by a greedy cash grab and a temporary influx of transmog farmers.

I guess once you get a stable full of alts and a bunch of gold on all of them, and (if you’re a raider) Naxx-40 on “farm” (and I’m thinking that if it can be put on “farm” even 3 years after launch they’ve changed it in ways that they probably shouldn’t have), then you will probably be more tolerant of such a crowd then.

But for now keep fighting the good fight. We don’t want transmog farmers in there next year for sure.

No, actually it didn’t. But nice try. :slight_smile:

Burn :rofl:

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Then ignore the thread, man.

They never said it could never happen. That’s just something the wall of no trolls say.

I remember JAB saying something about thinking you do but maybe you don’t or something like that?

I think the issue here is that there’s a lot of items from Vanilla (transmogs, mounts, pets?) that aren’t available anymore but still highly desired and a lot of “Live-WoW-Players” see Classic as the perfect opportunity for them to be re-introduced and once again obtainable. It would definitely be tricky to introduce this into Classic, as I mentioned before, I think it would introduce some poor behavior and not yield a positive gain.

Perhaps a solution to re-introduce these transmogs/mounts and appease both sides could be to make them available through Darkmoon Faire tickets, the black market auction house, through expedition rewards, or even better yet…bring the raids back to live-WoW through their original portals, Caverns of Time, or simply a Classic NPC similar to how we queue for old LFR raids. I don’t particularly like the inconsistency, competition, and unreliability of the BMAH, but it would be a hell of a lot better than nothing.

Perhaps. None of these are bad ideas at all.

you should bring them up in General, since they have to do with the main game rather than Classic.


The only thing that might be useful is after several years and oversaturation, your gear, pets, gold etc gets put in a box and sent to live.
A new season/2 year cycle starts over and everyone is level 1. This ladder like server only rewards at the very end, not concurrently.


You play a non ladder classic and it remains forever saturated. Friendly to RP.

How about no and did I say no…Retail players need to stop thinking that just because Classic Vanilla is a thing “They Deserve” gear to be able to be transferred from one to the other.

They already said it’s not going to happen so just STOP already…Sorry I don’t want Retail tourists just using Classic Vanilla as a loot pinata. And I DO NOT care that your feelings are hurt that Classic Vanilla will have gear that you cannot get.


You clearly didn’t read a damn thing I wrote.

I think I got it…You want Classic Vanilla gear to be available to Retail players, am I wrong?

Sorry pal, if you want Classic Vanilla gear you’ll be able to get them on your “Classic Vanilla” character and those items stay on your “Classic Vanilla” character.

You’re really just a “Just Because Snowflake”…Just because Classic Vanilla is a thing you deserve gear that cannot be obtained in Retail. You don’t…

The games are separate for a reason.

I think a good compromise would be something along the lines of making it “time worn”, or “temporal”.

As someone else mentioned, I don’t want classic to just be a nostalgia sandbox. You can say “People will just play for the rewards until they get the rewards”, but is that really in and of itself a bad thing?

For them to get the rewards, they will be required to act within the community as a community member, raid with a guild and progress and get powerful enough to be able to do that.

They might find themselves to love classic for what classic is, making it a community instead of a sandbox.