Please reconsider the Dungeon Finder for Wrath, and other potential 'changes'

Yes, it does.

Sure, on occasion you’ll get someone to leave, but it’s much less then groups dying finding members now.

Here’s a question, would you quit Wrath classic if they added it in the ICC phase?

Again. No it doesn’t.

If you think that RDF will solve groups from falling apart, you’re more ignorant than I thought.

It happens yes, but not nearly as much as right now. I’ve played this game for what… 17 years now? Including many pservers during downtimes, and i’ve never had a worse grouping experience than TBCC right now.

Once again, would you quit Wrath Classic if they added RDF during ICC when it was originally added?

Zero proof. You’re projecting.

RDF is terrible. There’s a reason that RDF isn’t used for Mythics. PuGs are terrible, and the quality of the group is low from automation.

Once again, would you quit Wrath Classic if they added RDF during ICC when it was originally added?

I’m quitting after WotLK regardless.

I’m not going to base my game expectations on a low level, low entry tool that just caters to my inability to use effort.

So you wouldn’t.

I’m not quitting if it’s not there either (though I might if they screw with dual spec)

But there is likely people that would quit if its not there, they’re playing with fire for no reason.

You’re not even going to stick around past that point, why fight so hard against something you likely only need to deal with for 4 months at best?

Let them quit. Why do we cater to whiners?

We keep listening to casuals who can’t play the game, we get a 2nd retail.

“Raids are too hard, I have to find a group and the bosses are mean! Can we get an easier version??”

“Leveling is too hard, can we squish the leveling experience so I can go from 1-max level in a handful of hours”

It’s horrible.

I’m happy with no Dungeon Finder.

Making a dungeon group manually isn’t hard, anyone complaining that they don’t have “time” are either not trying to begin with or are on a dead server, which is an issue of its own unrelated to Dungeon Finder.
Automating everything just remove the involvement and make dungeons that less enjoyable because it’s just a grind of get in and get out. Dungeon Finder is just as bad as Dungeon boosting is to me.

What the original WoW was, and the reason why it was such a success, is the journey, not the destination. The fulfilment of making a group and completing a dungeon trumps the rewards of completing dungeons like a machine for pixels.

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Well put. I wonder how many Iron Souls would have been saved if they didn’t have to transverse the world to get to where they were trying to go.

All the outcry on the forums proves many believe it is an important part of the game.


Why cater to someone who, by their own admission, is not going to be here long term.

Why cater to someone who, by their own admission, is quitting as soon as this next version is done?

You literally have no long term value to the company.

Then why does retail have the hardest raids the game has ever seen?

TBF, no one I know really asked for that, they said it was for the “new player” experience.


I’m still here.

The whiners for RDF are already leaving.

Why does Retail have a fraction of raiders that TBC has?

I enjoy difficult content, sure. But I hate everything else with it when it comes to Retail.

TBF, I never asked for an easier leveling experience or easy raids. Leveling is one of my favorite things about this game and if I can go from level 1 to max in a day… it’s not fun anymore. And raids should always be difficult and designed for organized groups.

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This is a guy who had a massive meltdown about a 2 week prepatch

it’s fine if he complains about the game but no one else

Many won’t leave until RDF isn’t there in ICC, but if it is they would likely stick around for classic cata, classic mop, etc.

You’ve literally got a dead stop point. No matter what blizzard does you, by your own admission, are likely done after Wrath.

Systems, which they’re getting rid of, the systems sucks.

Awh you remember me! That was overblown on my end. I’m flattered.

Doubt. If they’re willing to quit over this one thing something else will trigger them too probably once it’s not their way or expectations.

Can’t argue that. But regardless the decisions that got them there were the same ones that brought us RDF.

Like dual spec in tbc?

Vocal minority

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Gurl. Please.

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As much as I want RDF, I can’t say that I’m going to quit over it. The people who say they are quitting RIGHT NOW over not getting RDF are just silly. That being said… if they continue to not bring LFD into Cata and ALSO start screwing up other parts of the game like Dual spec or talents for example… THEN I would have to re-evaluate my decision to stick around. There may be some changes that I would agree are better for the game but some that I think should be left alone.