Please reconsider the Dungeon Finder for Wrath, and other potential 'changes'

RDF is not in Classic and SoM, if you require it to not be there to play the game, there’s your version.

It really is.

We want wrath as it was, that’s all.


It’s not going to be in WotLKC either, thankfully.

RDF is for the lazy.

It likely will be, there’s a ton of support for it and you know blizzard loves the “good pr” of changing something for the community.

Right now I press a button, get a group, get summoned to the instance, do the instance, leave.

With RDF I press a button, get a group, get ported to the instance, do the instance, leave.

Only difference with RDF is my group is less likely to fall apart after 1 hour of no tank.

So other people have to do work for you. Lazy not running to the instance.

It’s this type of behavior that sours RDF system.

Oh, I would run to the instance if it was guaranteed the group would go through.

You run there too early and even if the group doesn’t fall apart you could spend 45 min afk around the stone, worse case group falls apart and you just wasted 45 minutes for nothing.

You wait til it’s full and generally only the closest people go, it’s how it is.

Only person who can sit at the stone and know they aren’t wasting time are tanks.

You never played on a PvP server huh?

I can tell you, as someone who enjoys the real Classic versions of this game, sometimes summons aren’t guaranteed.

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Why would I play on one of those cesspools? I did that back in the original game, have no desire for that gankfest now.

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Basically this. I’m just tired of changes.
I loved playing Wrath back when it came out, I loved Cata as well. I want them to be AS THEY WERE.

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Well news for you. This is a Classic rendition of the game. It’s not meant to cater to lazy Retail players.

So you’re okay with RDF not coming out til ICC?

It’s not about laziness at all lol.

Most people on the pro-rdf side are more than ok with this.

What about RDF isn’t convenient? It doesn’t solve anything.

I can do anything RDF does with a little work.

This is a situation I’ve been running into recently. I am the person that usually doesn’t list myself in LFG until I am near the stone. Then when I get invited I head to the stone so that I can help summon. Then we wait 30 minutes or longer to get the rest of the group filled - but turns out we can’t find a tank and the group lead disbands our group. I could have spent that 30+ minutes farming or doing dailies.

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It’s about groups actually coming together.

I’m sick of “sorry guys, can’t find X, going to call it”

Doesn’t solve anything.

RDF has queues that last hours sometimes and even after the queue a tank or healer can leave.

YES. I’ve been saying that this whole time. I would obviously enjoy it being out sooner but I’m 100% cool with it coming out in ICC.


Yes, but i can wait hours and actually get a group.

And even if the tank leaves, it can get you another, without having to travel out anywhere, because a person ditching your group shouldn’t be a punishment to the rest of the group.

IDK what you’re not getting though:

Now, get group, try to find tank/healer, look for hour+, group leader stops group, have to look for another group.

RDF, wait for hour or more for group, get group, do dungeon

But at least I can be doing other things while waiting. And if your tank/healer leaves after the queue pops you have priority on getting a replacement. Usually doesn’t take too long.

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Why can’t you now?

RDF doesn’t make you wait better.

You can still do that now. The teleportation is a joke too, completely ruins the immersion of the world.

Still can wait, doesn’t require the RDF tool to do that.

The teleportation tool is my least favorite part too, ruins immersion. Convenient? Absolutely. But again, convenience isn’t always a good thing.

It does, it makes my wait worthwhile.

  1. Wait an hour for a group to fall apart

  2. Wait an hour for a guaranteed group

Easily option 2 any day of the week.

But it’s also why its not need til later in Wrath Classic, plenty of groups for the first months.

There’s your rose tinted glasses showing.

RDF doesn’t guarantee anything.