Please reconsider the Dungeon Finder for Wrath, and other potential 'changes'

Dual spec was never in TBC. LFD was in WotLK.


Same faction battlegrounds weren’t in tbc and they are in tbcc.

Level 70 boosts weren’t in wrath and they are in wrath classic.

Yes, and many are against both of those changes.

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And yet here they are, which indicates to me that arguing in favor of something based on the amount of people who supposedly want it is….

  1. Not a valid reason for implementation

  2. Not the only thing blizzard considers when contemplating changes to the game

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I mean this change (Not really a change?) is fine for me. When you are in an established guild you always have people to play with so it’s fine. The only real value I see the dungeon finder getting is assisting leveling players (Mainly just due to the prevalence of boosting).

Tbh, if blizz want to stick to their guns here I say go with it. If they have decided on a slightly smaller but more committed audience I hope that all their changes are based around that. It’s when you try to appeal to everyone that the experience is generally also diluted for everyone.

That said, I can see blizzard caving on this as people wave around their “90%+” forum statistics >.>

Everyone wanted Vanilla and BC to be as close to the original as possible, and for the most part, you got it. Whenever someone asked for a feature that was present in Wrath (Dual spec or dungeon finder), all you saw was “wait for Wrath for that.” So we did, and for what? To basically get told that something that was in Wrath is suddenly not going to be there.

I want Wrath the way that it was. The way that I played it so many years ago. I have waited patiently for that to happen. Now, some devs randomly decided that the way my favorite xpac was, isn’t good enough anymore. I want Wrath warts and all. And yes, as I have said in previous posts, I would be ok to wait for ICC patch for that. That stays true to the original version of Wrath.

Before you tell me that RDF is in retail, go play it, well that works both ways. You want to form groups the old-fashioned way? Fine! Vanilla era servers are still going. You can do it there. I’m so over the hypocrisy of the Classic purists.


Not in today’s gaming world for literally any MMO.

You’re out of touch with reality.

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:point_up: :point_up:

It’s also in FFXIV. That’s what I’ll be playing tonight. Hopefully it will be a fun game to play.

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RDF is for people who like to play with other people instead of staring at the lfg channel looking for people to play with.


Didn’t you hear? We aren’t divided. Based on Blizzard’s statements, the community has made it clear this is what they want. Apparently, you and many others aren’t aware that those of us that are active on these forums represent a small vocal minority. Big gaming companies like ActiVision don’t pander to the fan club.

Enjoy! I’ve been playing it since Stormblood, great game. Very social, despite that blasted dungeon finder, right?

not getting saved to an instance that you accidently walk into is a retail mech, same faction BG’s is retail mech, Anti LFD/RDF folks are asking for the Mythic+ finder tool THATS FROM RETAIL thats 30k+ people posting in that small a** box, Being able to Trade items from Heroic/raid to other members is a RETAIL mech, Instant mail between your toons is a RETAIL mech. Your litereally complaining about a QoL improvement that isnt from retail.

It solved finding a group for me. If it didn’t work for you you could use the old method to find groups


I’ve heard good things about it and there’s a free trial so I decided to try it first after I unsubbed for classic

I sincerely do hope you enjoy it. Regardless of my current feelings about this topic at hand - I love wow as a whole and I also love FFXIV. I have all magic jobs at max level and have started to work on the melee and tanks. Astrologian is my favorite job.

Is there any job, class, or role that is needed and hard to find? Like a healer or tank is in wow.

Hmm, it’s probably about the same in FFXIV. As in, you’ll get groups faster as a tank or healer than you will as a DPS.

I don’t play tanks very much but Warriors are very self sufficient this expansion with healing themselves a ton. And last I heard, Dark Knights were very squishy but they did make some changes in the latest patch that might be fixing that.

For healers, all of them are great. White Mage had some issues at the start of the expansion, mostly with mana, but 6.1 changed that and I’ve heard that all the WHM mains love it. White mage is closest to Holy Priest, Sage is kinda like Disc priest cause you deal damage and it heals the tank. Astrologian draws cards to buff the party dps. Scholar has a fairy pet and has shields. All of the healers excel at being able to deal a lot of damage and heal in between damaging.

I remember maining a White Mage in FFXI before WoW 1.0 – good times, good times.
But I won’t do another MMO again.

Almost as if dungeon finder doesn’t have any REAL affect on people being social and people in wow just don’t like being that social :slight_smile: