Please reconsider the Dungeon Finder for Wrath, and other potential 'changes'

there is a version of it yes, out there

I just want to experience Wrath the way it was.

But yeah, atleast Dragonflight is looking good so far. Hopefully it doesn’t bomb.

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Having the Dungeon Finder is really the only way many of casuals (like myself) with family and careers will get to experience the dungeons. We get a few hours here and there to play on the weekends. We don’t have time to play on a guild schedule or hope to find a group ready to go in the channels. It opened up the game to for me when it came out, and I’ll likely not play wrath classic without it.


His tweet gives me little hope that WOTLK will be worth playing. They make these decisions before getting feedback or input and then add on “open to feedback” like its going to matter at all, just to save face.


Right, RDF really helps people with limited time on top of everything else.

Someone pointed out something in another post:

Back in Wrath when RDF was put out it only matched you with servers in your battlegroup, and each server only had like 4-5k on them at a time at most (may have been less), some single servers now have 30k active players on them (just from people doing raids, not even casuals).

You’re almost less likely now to run into someone from your same SERVER than you were to run into someone from your battlegroup in 2010.


Most people have limited time, I have limited time to play… has absolutely nothing to do with wanting LFD in the game.

Well their point is just that, if you have limited time to play, it’s nice to queue up via Dungeon Finder and then get started on other things like dailies, crafting/gathering, or whatever. Instead of spamming LFG chat, PMing people who advertise or just hoping someone picks you out of the 50 other people that listed themselves in the LFG tool.

It doesn’t have to be there at launch, we just want it around the same time that it originally launched in og Wrath.

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What I was thinking… tons of peeps on my server but only speak to guildys 99 percent of time i keep Gen and Trade and LFG chat on another screen… Unless im looking for something specific like a GDKP to join or run, Or grabbing a fast Enchant from one of the AH bots/WA dudes that OMG make life great love them dudes.

You can do things while spamming chat.

Okay, well I did that for all of Classic, and all of TBCC. I was prepared to do that for a good chunk of Wrath too but I’m getting tired of it and was looking forward to the DF tool by the end of Wrath.

I mean, I can brush my teeth while taking a dump, doesn’t mean it’s a great experience


So you are equating doing a random dungeon with maintaining your bodily functions and preventing oral disease?

Check your priorities

lmao, okay dude. :joy:

Actually laughed. On a Friday before work is done its appreciated.

I was being completely serious… if you truly NEED to do that dungeon so badly that it prevents you from enjoying the game… you will find a way.

No you weren’t. You know exactly what I was saying, and that I was just making an example - You’re just trying to troll.

The point is, just because you can do something one way doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it, or even a good way. Spamming lfg/trade is not a good way to do grouping.


Gross. I can see why you’re so RDF pro now.

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Says the guy who doesn’t even post on a classic character.

We’re pro-rdf because it was a part of the game, and important part of the game.

When they add it in the ICC phase and are like “we listened to the community!” people will eat it up and it’ll look like good pr, but anyone with half a brain will know they meant to all along, and were just stringing people along for the eventual win.


It’s not an important part of the game lmfao

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RDF is in retail. If you are required to have it to play the game, there’s your version.

No. It really isn’t.