I fully support the complaints raised by others regarding Dawnbreaker. My primary concern is the accessibility for players who suffer from motion sickness. Despite taking nausea medication, I can’t adequately prepare for encountering Dawnbreaker in the leveling dungeon rotation.
At level 80, I can specifically queue for dungeons and blacklist Dawnbreaker. However, as a leveling character, I would have to endure an experience penalty if I choose to specific queue to avoid this dungeon.
For accessibility issues with this dungeon, this is the direct blizzard contact.
Follower dungeons are a thing. You can take all the time you need to learn the routes and spawn locations of mobs in this mode. Also, switch to static flying when learning in this dungeon, it will make things much easier.
Best fix is for these devs to finally get around to adding a blacklist option for queueable content. Folks have asked for this option for bg’s for years. You can choose from the specific dungeon choice tab sure for dungeons, and bg’s, but if not mistaken if you are leveling you don’t get the same bonus xp end of dungeon reward using the specific dungeon option. Some bg’s, and dungeons people love, and don’t mind doing them. Then there are always a few that players want to avoid like the plague lol. Still remember when folks wanted to avoid dungeons like pos if at all possible, especially when it was in the wolk time walk rotation lol.
Its likely a coding slip up thats been reported since at least beta, likely something to do with how flightform and deer form are the same button and by default its set to deer form while in combat.
It is annoying to have to have a mount keybound for this one dungeon though and ive seen a lot of other druids deerform and leap to their deaths because they didnt notice. Out of combat flightforn works fine there.
This entire dungeon could be solved if after you beat the first boss, you’re put on a little boat that takes you to the ground to one specific spot and you can’t fly once on the ground until you’re asked to return to the ship.
Conceptually I actually love this dungeon. Having to take flight mid battle to avoid a bomb attack is awesome, chasing the final boss at the end, is cool as hell and I love that. It’s just that middle part that trips people up IMO. It just needs a tiny bit of guidance.
This is a problem that will go away as knowledge spreads, but it is a bit wonky at the moment.
I also imagine those that hate Dragonriding, will despise this dungeon.
I think this dungeon really shows us “Who pays attention, and whose a sheep” kind of gamers.
It’s not hard. they even put on the map where the adds are that you need to kill before the 2nd boss, how you go is up to you. you’re just bouncing from ship to ship. not really that difficult lol
This can be done as a follower dungeon with a tank who leads, yes? Or am I wrong about that? Just saying that can be a way to get familiar with the dungeon before you run it with humans.
I felt the mechanics of the dungeon are pretty self explanatory. After a single run you should be able to consistently know where to go and what to do.
Lol. Why is this the only thing you people can ever come up with? Defending one thing does not make someone a Blizzard shill. TWW has many issues, the dungeons are not one of them. Get some new material
It’s pretty easy to go Cathedral → House → Inn and I think once Mythic+ starts and routes are shared, the majority of the playerbase will learn where to go and how to do it. It’s a thematically fun dungeon, it feels very active and story driven, which I think is cool.
What I’ve actually found the problem is, is that once you learn the dungeon, it’s shallow from a fight/mechanics standpoint. The difficulty all derives from it being unfamiliar. But if the group has experience with it, it’s a breeze. I’m curious to see how Enemy Forces % will work in Mythic+ and if we’ll have to clear out the whole town to get to 100%.
I think/am hopeful that largely comes down to bosses simply dying too fast. Like in Cinderbrew, it wasn’t until my 3rd run that I learned the whole happy hour thing was even a mechanic on the first boss, because in the other two times I had run the place we just killed him before it even started
That along with Mythic adding a new mechanic or two will hopefully make bosses less of mindless zergfests
Technically not the boss leaving them, it’s the ship. And those orbs refill your Vigor so they are important! But yes, there is a trail either way. It’s really the middle of the dungeon that is more nebulous for newer players.
I’m actually willing to bet most keys will try to hit all three. There’s very little required trash in the dungeon and the town before the second boss is the only practical place to get trash %. Groups will have to kill a fair amount of that town just to fill the bar. While you’re in the neighborhood you might as well get rid of some of his buffs.
I love this dungeon and I am quite vocal about how much I love this dungeon.
However, there was feedback in beta that it was a bit mob-dense on the ground and needed adjusting (which they didn’t do) and I think it would be beneficial if they revisited some of the mob placement. We need a better “landing” zones, if that makes sense. Other than that, it just requires a smidge of communication. The targets you kill before the boss (in M0+, cause on follower, normal, and heroic difficulty the boss can just be engaged without killing any of them) are marked on the mini-map, it’s just the order in which they’re going to be done. This can be accomplished by chat, voice, or the tank simply using the pinging system on where he’s headed first. Not sure why that minimal amount of communication seems to be such a disruptor for groups.
I was in two of them yesterday that had me in hysterics. First one was with my brother, who was tanking, and we went through 4 dps lol. One left after first boss, one left cause he joined mid-combat second boss, one left cause of mid-combat third boss, and then the final one joined as and the final boss died 5 seconds later. Then, there was the other one where we killed first boss. Boss was pinged by DPS and they flew straight to boss (I was heals, so I went there too) and the boss was engaged. The tank, however, went to the church to kill a lieutenant. We regrouped after wiping on the boss (fear led to extra mobs led to death). Tank made us go to a second lieutenant, which we all begrudgingly followed, and then at the third lieutenant he pulled the whole circle of mobs with the boss at the fountain. I finished the fight at 1.2M hps, lol, but no one died and we killed the boss. However, before the mobs were dead the tank just left the group. lol. We got a new tank by the time we finished killing the mobs we were in combat with and soared through the rest of the dungeon like it was nothing.
Confusing pathing should never be part of the difficulty of any dungeon because it is just pure anti-fun. Waycrest Manor was loathed for the same reason. Difficulty should come from mobs and mechanics.