Please re-think Dawnbreaker

Waycrest was fine once you knew how the layout worked. The same holds for Dawnbreaker.

I’d love to see how some current players would
deal with old dungeons like Wailing Caverns and BRD when they were new.

i disagreee.
give me a npc that sends me ship to ship.

I have died from the first boss explosion despite being what feels like a mile away from the blue orb. I think the hitbox needs to be closer to the graphic of the ability.

My favorite death in this dungeon is when the game decided I mounted and jumped too fast during the void orb, so DCed me. I was also tanking. Looking forward to such things when time and deathcount matters. :clown_face:

I did this one for the first time in follower and I’m glad I did. It’s confusing as hell and absolutely the on-ground markings are difficult to understand. A better of idea of pathing and locations would make it more fun. I did enjoy the movement from ship to ship though and even leaving the ships and going to the ground is nice in concept. They just need to clean up the execution.

Yeah just put a giant chest at the entrance of the dungeon and let us take loot because we are not capable of doing something SO damn EASY.

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It’s almost like blizzard never tested it outside of normal mode with max ilvl geared testing characters.

It has the same marker setup as Nokhud Offensive. Just instead of flying around an entire zone, flying around town instead. Though I haven’t had a group kill any of the 2nd boss adds yet. Mark tank, follow tank.

I feel like Nokhud would have been far better if the lightning didn’t shoot you down at the last boss. To this day I still see people fail that mechanic. If they wanted, you to land, they could have put a cave in or something like that.

Something like a giant spotlight? Maybe a thing on the map.

Sometimes your personal marker disappears on the regular map once you land on the ground.