Please Punish people who abuse the report system

The problem is that they don’t seem to actually be doing that. I know what the ToS says.

What happened to you as a child that you think everyone should be punished all the time?

If I report you for something you didn’t do, I’d expect to be punished when it’s discovered that I lied.

You ever think that there are better ways to solve a problem than punitive measures?

Do you believe that not penalizing it will improve the situation?

If so, you are positively delusional.

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People who don’t think it’s a problem probably simply haven’t seen the consequences in action.

A guildie of mine was squelched twice in one week for 24 hours at a time because they were offering free max level enchants and encouraging/asking for tips instead of charging a fee. They got whispered by a number of bank alts with no guild telling him to “step off” and to stop undercutting to which he replied “get bent” before a flood of a dozen messages from other level 1-10 bank alts whispered “Reported” to him and he found himself squelched/silenced within 15 minutes.

There have been reports of the same thing happening across all servers, complaints in many Realm Discord channels and the like as well. An automated system like this was bound to be weaponized and if things aren’t done to punish the RCR abusers to set a precedent that this is unacceptable then we are going to be seeing a TON of abuse in this regard when players start grinding for R14 to disrupt other peoples play/grouping/premades as well as Raid disruption once the “Serious” guilds are competing for Server first Raid clears.

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I have to wonder what people are doing to not notice this behavior. It seems pretty prevalent, even when it doesn’t affect anyone I know.

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There are better ways to solve problems than punishment. Education, and empathy training are two I can think of off the top of my head.

…We’re not talking about raising a child, dude.


I know.


Proof? Do you work for the company? Where have they released these numbers that none of us have seen. Please inform the rest of us or else you just seem like anyone else here who has no clue what they are talking about.

Also, if they have the same number than would that not be a very bad thing considering how much the game has grown?


Alright, cool. Hit me up when Blizzard builds those schools and opens those empathy training courses.

'Till then, we’re gonna have to rely on psychology of punishment and discouraging bad behavior. Thems the tools we have.

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There was also an official document that listed all the positions that were considered for layoffs and compensation. No GM’s or CS crew were listed there, I’ll try to find the document later when I get some time.

You could always practice some deep breathing exercises and learn to turn the other cheek. Be the example.

And your proof is?

I’m not interested in being a doormat, thanks.

I’ll be ignoring you, now.

I’ve never seen an instance where the people who do this got actioned for it, only the other side widely appealing it.

If you want some pretty damning evidence for a more recent thing, I don’t think it’d be ToS to post here. Otherwise it’d be in the OP.

So you could say I don’t have any proof and dismiss me on those grounds. Understandable, I suppose. Rather shocked by the lack of other people who noticed that in this thread, though.

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That’s because when it comes to false reporting, unlike right click reporting, they actually manually investigate, and err on the side of caution.

With right click reporting, the bot handles it all and they only investigate upon appeal.

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I dont argue with retail avatar lost of time

You’re 100% correct, I should specify that I was referring primarily to the right click system. It’s abuse doesn’t seem to be handled as harshly as it should be.

I have two 60s, partial tier on both and Rhok’delar on my hunter. We one shot MC and Onyxia pretty easily every time.

Your pseudo-elitism isn’t going to fly here, I’m afraid.

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In for a count of ten. Hold for a count of ten. Release for a count of ten. Repeat ten times.

Enjoy, duder.