This isn’t feelings it’s a fact. Don’t project.
No, it’s not ridiculous.
It’s just like someone complaining about the shop, about how it’s unethical, while having sparkle pony and the new kodo mount in your collection.
You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. If you truly disagreed with it and if you’re truly on the side of people that missed out on this stuff, then you would stop participating and giving Blizzard the confirmation they’re looking for.
But like I said, I get it. Your guys outrage only starts after you get what you want.
It isn’t lost. I have a friend I run stuff with who has Corrupted Ashbringer and he regularly gets comments on it.
Instead of asking for things to be brought back, ask for cool new things. Most of you players bark up the wrong tree with Blizzard and if anyone disagrees with you, you try and paint them as a villain. Quite childish and baby like behavior.
Yes, it is ridiculous, and it’s a transparent attempt at goal post maneuvering. If they didn’t have any of the items you’d say they were demanding special treatment, that they “always want what they can’t have.”
Since they do, they are disqualified from complaining.
It’s a kindergarten level argument.
It’s the “ah, but you participate in society” meme in action.
What happens if the friend quits for good. Do you have two more friends with it?
There’s no logical reason to be against bringing items back other than “because they said so”.
LOL no you’re doing the same thing the goblin was doing in the other thread, which is avoiding my point.
I don’t care if you complain about it. I think it’s pointless but whatever, it’s your right to do so if you have a sub.
However, you are talking out of both sides of your mouth if you are claiming FOMO is toxic, bad for the game and it needs to go away if you are participating in these events because you are telling Blizzard you agree with the practice.
They don’t base anything off of the same 10 angry people on the forums. They look at cold, hard numbers. They’re especially not going to take this feedback (toxic, bad) seriously from someone with a collection full of FOMO stuff.
It literally isn’t hurting anyone if Corrupted Ashbringer is never seen again. And it isn’t hurting you that you can’t have a mage tower weapon skin or CM t-mog.
Stop being so infantile, holy.
I’ve made this argument myself so you’re preaching to the choir. I agree that there are some things we can abstain from padding metrics for and that’s really the only way to get any point across to Blizz. I can’t stop other players from doing PS or any other FOMO-heavy event but I don’t think that having a KSM mount means I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth.
If someone needs to avoid not only these events but also M+, raiding, PvP, and every other activity in the game to avoid touching any limited time item just so you will take their complaint seriously, what’s the point in even playing at that stage?
So that FOMO is ok but this FOMO isn’t?
Not what I’m saying, no. Because I wouldn’t care for a moment if it was made available permanently.
By that logic, it literally wouldn’t hurt anyone if wow was never seen again. The game could up and vanish tomorrow and nobody would be hurt by it.
If the only defense to your point is an insult, get a better defense.
But in the mean time, you’ll keep accepting those FOMO rewards instead of taking a stand and not participating in events that promote it.
This is why it’s here to stay.
“We should improve society somewhat.”
“Yet you participate in society. Curious!”
You are literally the meme.
It wasn’t an insult, it is my observation after reading through your posts that come from a place of emotion. If you used logic and had anything other than feelings, I wouldn’t compare your whining and temper tantrums to that of a child.
Your logic is a gymnast.
Some seriously acrobatic stuff.
This is so dishonest and hilarious.
I love it when I point out that we can’t get everything we want in life and people on the anti-FOMO side of the argument always points out this isn’t life.
But when it suits them, they have no problem using this argument themselves.
Stay classy.
I too love making things up and then getting mad about them.
Nah dude, I’m not making it up. It’s said in every thread complaining about FOMO.
Matter of fact… wasn’t it just said…?
That’s cool. Last time I checked my name isn’t Primerate and I never had any contact with them in this thread. Not sure why the last 5 arguments you had on the subject and what other people are saying are my problem though.
I didn’t say you did specifically. I was laughing at the situation like I said.
You realize that quote of me is directly responding to someone saying the following:

I would have loved to have gone to the original Woodstock but I wasn’t even born yet. I wish I could have went to Star Wars opening night in 1977 but I wasn’t born yet.
So, yeah - WOW is completely different from missing events in 1977 because in real life we literally cannot go back in time. In WOW any reward is available if a developer randomly decides to make it so.
I was calling the real life comparison asinine. Try to follow some context and read.