Please please please bring back Legion Artifact appearances for Druids!

Because whenever there is a post about something talking about bringing back stuff , you are the most vocal one.

I don’t stalk anyone but you’re quite visible. Nothing against you personally

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Just wait for Remix Legion and get it then.

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I have a feeling that they’re going to eventually do something similar with Legion that they’re about to do with MoP. The MoP event is arriving with recolors of things no longer obtainable.

That I’m fine with.

Wowhead has a dev interview about MoP timerunning and here’s the quote.

Items that were only available during the original release of Mists of Pandaria will not be available in this event. This includes the Kor’kron War Wolf, challenge mode sets, and heirlooms.

Things that were time sensitive, and told to players while they were available, rewards from challenging group or solo content are never coming back.


This. I keep seeing “but time-limited stuff is good for the game.”

I got Verigan’s Fist because I leveled a paladin before Cataclysm. I did not get Corrupted Ashbringer because I didn’t raid back then.

But there are people who literally weren’t born while Corrupted Ashbringer or Verigan’s Fist were available, who are now playing the game.

How is them never being able to get those things good for the game?


How is it bad for the game?

Do they need the Corrupted Ashbringer to parse?

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It’s a shame to see cool items lost to time for such ridiculous reasons.


That doesn’t answer the question.

It does. You just don’t like the answer. Cool items being lost to time isn’t a good thing. Eventually the item(s) disappear for good and nobody gets to enjoy them. Why? Because somebody said “limited time”. No real reason.


Need a new mage tower with new weapons

No, it doesn’t. The person I specifically responded to said ”how is it good for the game?”

How does everyone running around with a Corrupted Ashbringer improve the game? How is it bad for the game? Saying “meh feelings” isn’t an answer.

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The venn diagram of people that say “FOMO is a you problem” and also say “I wouldn’t have done the content at all if it wasn’t time limited” is a perfect circle.

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What I think is a better circle is all the people that claim FOMO is so bad, is so toxic, it ruins the game, unfair to new players etc. etc. etc. have a a collection full of FOMO items.

I guess their outrage only starts when they get theirs.

Then after they make a post on the forum, wagging their fingers at people that support FOMO, they then go participate in more FOMO events.

That’ll show Blizzard.

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Many of which are in this very thread asking for the items they’ve collected to be made available again for other players to collect. If they didn’t have those items you’d say they were just being entitled. Since they do you act like they are hoarding them for themselves or something. Heads you win tails they lose I guess.

That’s not the own you think it is.


I disagree.

Because you guys keep saying how toxic it is but by participating you’re telling Blizzard to keep doing it.

If you guys really wanted it to stop, you would stop giving Blizzard the participation numbers they want, instead of saying that you want more.

Your complaints mean nothing once Blizzard gets what they want from you.

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Who is “you guys”?

It’s obviously not me since I didn’t go past the character screen for plunderstorm. Didn’t touch the HS event. Still not sure I’ll do the pangimmick either.

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Item preservation.

Eventually there won’t be any more of those items in the game. A piece of the game’s history is lost for no reason.

Do you have a KSM mount? Gladiator stuff? Prelaunch event rewards? CM weapons or armor? Twitch drops? Amazon drops? Anything FOMO?

Don’t pick one FOMO event and act like there aren’t others.

As far as Blizzard is concerned: participation = you want more FOMO

How is that bad or good?

You keep replying with your feelings.

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You’re grasping at straws here. The idea that having collected any limited time item disqualifies a person from complaining about limited time items is, well, ridiculous.