Please never do Early Access again

They’re fixing it.

Guys… this isn’t complicated. All this is is a free market economy… If X = money made from early access sales, and Y = money lost from angry customers about early access sales. So long as X - Y = a positive number… They literally do not care what you think. Like at all. And let’s be honest… they probably shouldn’t. That’s called making a profitable business.

If you’re really upset about this, then vote with your wallet. Sure you probably won’t change things, but at least you’ll be able to stand on your morals. Or… be even a bigger man (or woman), have self restraint, and stop caring what other people do with their money.

I say this as someone who also… doesn’t really like the concept of early access to games. And guess why I’m still 70?

Edit: Also to those who have brought in the comparison to loot boxes, there is a slight difference there. Loot boxes has a gambling component added to it, which completely changes the dynamic of that purchase. Early access is in no way gambling.


can the drachthyr now be other classes or thats a dif patch?

Problem is many of us didn’t buy the Epic set for EA…we brought it cause of the Mount…the pet…which in turn turned into 3 more pets later on …the transmog…they 1,000 Trader Tenders…many of us could careless about EA now …


Wrong I didn’t buy it for EA this is why I brought it, stop trying to make statements about the player base that you have no idea about now …

“Problem is many of us didn’t buy the Epic set for EA…we brought it cause of the Mount…the pet…which in turn turned into 3 more pets later on …the transmog…they 1,000 Trader Tenders…many of us could careless about EA now”


It’s not that people don’t understand how the free market works you nerd! There are people that buy the epic edition just because they want the mounts, pets, and toys. The EA is something new that was tacked onto the epic edition. Maybe the OP never wanted early access, maybe he only bought the epic edition for the mounts, toys, and pets. Blizzard needs this feedback, and customers like him are right for posting it. If blizzard really wants to see if players want early access they should have it as a completely separate purchase from the epic edition. They should let anyone who has preordered any version of the game buy EA for an additional fee.

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I think that’s going to come in like 11.1 or 11.2.

Only if they cared? Again… so long as X - Y = net positive… they don’t care. Also, they could compare between expansion launches to get the same information as prior expacs had those same pets/mounts. So they could see if it shifted the amount of high tier pre-orders to low tier pre-orders.

How do you know that, do you sit in on the meetings for blizzard’s marketing department?

They said shortly after release, so my guess is either 11.05 or 11.1

Know that? None of us can know that… I can infer it from the fact that these practices KEEP happening. If that equation ever ended up negative, you can bet your rear that it would stop instantly. But they don’t… so… they don’t care about our opinions on the matter, or maybe our opinion is really a tiny vocal minority that isn’t worth caring about. There’s a reason phone games are absolutely dominant in the market, and it isn’t because a bunch of traditional ‘gamers’ are playing them.

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They’ve been screwing up the game long before this Early Access nonesense (which I don’t think is a “bad thing”, TBH, it’s just the latest trend topic, ATM)

Maybe some of them. I’m not one of them.

Want to know what’s not locked behind a pay wall but is locked behind achievement walls?

Character customizations that should be available upon character creation.

There’s a reason I don’t raid/do a bunch of group content, anymore. I don’t have a lot of time to be unlocking something that should’ve been available from the start ie red & black elf eyes, red Draenei skin, etc.

Best way to show my disappointment is to stop giving them money which I will do by the time Sep 24 comes. That’s when my Game Time will end.

Until then, trying to make the best of it but keep finding many reasons why giving Blizz money is a mistake.

This Early Access isn’t one of them but for you and others, it may be. Best way to express our disappointments is to stop giving them money.

I guarantee this is going to make launch day smoother. This is essentially congestion pricing for video games. In this case the congestion is people logging in. And the pricing is a flat rate.

All this is going to do is allow epic edition players have a few days of less congestion, come Monday it’ll be like any other expansion before it. The EA players will either be farming heroics or leveling alts while everyone else will be leveling their mains.

Did I say that I feel special? I was talking to someone else about my personal opinion. You on the other hand seem to be a very special kind of person. I recommend going back to your preschooler group and let the adults talk.

Basically, yes. But he also stated that he didn’t buy the epic edition for early access, he bought it for the transmog, pets, mounts, etc. Remember this is the first time EA has been done in wow and it was tacked on to the epic edition.

The best part about early access last night was that questing areas were half as full as they otherwise would have been, making leveling much much much more fun.

I absolutely enjoyed it.


if only we had the tech to put limits on how many ppl a zone has , a recreate another one , and another one…we can call it phasing , sounds cool


Just gonna throw this out there as someone who has it and has played maybe 4hrs in it:

Early Access is just us PAYING to beta test this game before the masses come in.

Came across a few bugs that made me realize we are testing things.

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Heroics are not open.

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