Please nerf the guardian druid mage tower

This is literally the best thing you can do. If youre tilting then you are only getting diminishing returns on progress.

Less tilt more like depression at this point lol. Itā€™s just sad how freaklishy hard this is. Im talking to people who are at attempt 400+. What the hell is that?

Just take a break man, go make some tasty food and relax. Youā€™ll get it, no rush.

So took a break for 2 days. Getting Krull to 17k HP pretty decently now. But I think this is my plateau as a druid here. I Donā€™t think I will get it anytime soon. Hoping they will add some new bear forms just for default in the new xpac or something lol.

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Thats awesome!! It was the same for me Iā€™d bash my head on the table for a few hours and not even see kruul. Then after awhile I started to see him. Then I started to see him get lower and lower until my big wipe at 213hp. Every wipe Iā€™d say the same ā€œman maybe Iā€™m not good enough to beat thisā€ but the more you pull the closer you get. Youā€™ve got this!


Canā€™t live through the fourth annihilate; 484 attempts so far. So I whole heartedly say, I trucking hate the mage tower. The guardian druid challenge is 80% abuse 20% challenge. Like many, I cleared numerous classes during legion. Warebear and neon kitty and all three specs for death knight which was my main at the time. My head canon is thereā€™s a bigger handicap in the tower verse legion time walking dungeons. Iā€™d rather they buff players instead of nerfing the fights. JMTC

Would kind of defeat the purpose of the thousands of others who actually put in the effort to earn itā€¦


Too bad. The skin I earnt is a reflection of what I did. Not your credit card.

If someone canā€™t get it thatā€™s fine.
If people want to earn it then thatā€™s fine too.

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If I can complete Kruul as a level 50. You can ā€œsufferā€ as a 60. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone of the fourms. I am happy to say I finally got it. I FINALY did it!!


yay! grats.

im working on frost mage mage tower. at like 300 tries. dont think ill get it

Thatā€™s a very verbose way of saying, "How DARE you minimize MY achievement!!! Begone, n00b!

Itā€™s like I always say, anything worth having is worth suffering for.


Great job congratulations on completing it

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Now try twins as balance and tell me.

I remember feeling the same way when I was doing the green fire quest for my warlock an eternity ago. But after taking a break and coming back at the situation with a fresh mind it all clicked into place and I completed the challenge just fine.

Maybe you need a break to find some perspective OP? Donā€™t give up.

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Thatā€™s it blizzard you win. After 506 wipes on cruel Iā€™m done. No more wasting gold and inflated resources on a nearly impossible challenge.

Thar she blows, capā€™n!

Agreed over 350 tries deep here over $100000 gold on consumables and thatā€™s with crafting a lot myself. I had Kruul to 5% once but i think i had a lucky proc or something on the recommended trinkets for this, fully enchanted tried low level gears with gems and Shadowlands gear. RNG and low bear dps lets me down every time with annihilates and infernals keeping my health low or kill the npcs . Im more than ready for the nerf i just want the skin i feel Ive put more than enough effort in. Only getting him to on average to 15% before the 4th Annihilate kills me. Not sure who this is fun for maybe masochists? Top end raiding/mythics are a cakewalk compared to this. The nerf would be minor in my opinion just a bit more deeps for the Bear or lower Kruuls health a bit. The tuning as it is so tight that it doesnā€™t allow for one mistake or older players with slower reflexes or people with high MS internet. A quick comment on the mage tower idea, if it was truly a skills test wouldnā€™t it give everyone a standard set of gear with no consumables aloud? Level playing field. This idea that you have to get special sets etc and every consumable under the sun seems a bit rich.

Can they add new rewards/seasonal stuff since it scales for max level players?

Thatā€™d be awesome!

And youā€™d destroy the entire purpose of the skin.

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