What reality are you talking about? Ally premades were rampant immediately after cross realm came out. That’s why we won so much. Ever heard of the preform av enabler? Get out of here with your revisionist bool crap.
Not even remotely true.
It’s completely true I gained a rank per week easily at the time spamming av premades.
More horde revisionist history eh?
It’s not hard to look this stuff up.
Nah, you see…he remembers everything that ever happened in vanilla. If he says it happened or didn’t then you better believe it.
I’m talking about Vanilla. This exact map, played on Vanilla back in the day Allies DOMINATED.
That is until they added reinforcements in TBC patch 2.3, then horde changed their strategy, and Allies got murdered.
Pretty sure You said this patch specifically in the post I replied to, 1.12.
Either way ally premades were the main contribution to the win rate. Also Pretty sure the premade addon was broken shorty before 2.3 dropped. I Don’t feel like hunting for the dates right now.
I went and liked your post to make it easy to find.
Also why are you pretending that tbc AV is somehow relevant to this discussion? There were massive spec and class changes.
Player base is completely different. Knowledge of the game is different. As an example, optimization of feral gearing/rotation wasn’t figured out until after Vanilla was over. Equating the player base of the past to that of the present is a fallacy.
The first day or two of BGs Horde lost almost all games on AV. There were few if any premades.
Then the premades happened and Horde got roflstomped for the next week or so. Then the Horde adapted and played more and more defense. More and more premades happened until PUG matches were all free wins for Horde. Then the premades got taken away.
The logical takeaway here would be that the dependency on premades for alliance, combined with the forced changed in tactics, has led to a situation where one side is facing much tougher competition than before and the other is facing much weaker.
Please do move it so when the win ratio stay the same you can at last realize alliance is losing because their top players keep to themselves and always seek the latest exploit to face pug with premade.
Biggest PVP issues for both sides are all coming from the exploiting “elite”
Fully agree.
this right here, horde attacks at bal we cant get through blah blah. if you cant fight 40 on 40 then thats your problem
So the cave moves. Horde are now catching alliance in the center of the field of strife.
This will result in alliance victory. Fighting away from SHB archers and all of their LTs in supporting range…
Are they just stupid or…
The problem is wiping horde at SHGY then requires you to wipe them in FOS anyway. Then by the time you wipe them again in FOS you have to wipe them a 3rd time at IBGY.
Again 95%+ winrate indicates a systematic problem. Thats all you have to look at to see something is wrong with the system/map. 95%+ that is crazy. If an NFL football team won 95%+ of there games over 10 years they would be investigated multiple times for cheating lol.
Let the record show that AV was a ton of fun on private servers despite the guesswork on tuning
I agree this. Please blizzard fix it.
The problem with this map drawing im looking at that you posted is that it is based on PVE. if Alliance quit focusing on PVE …i.e. who can reach Balinda or Galv faster, and instead focused on meeting us head on (and this doesn’t include hiding in SHGY and trying to ‘ambush’ us).
It literally doesnt matter that we can reach Balinda faster. There are some games we actually forget to kill her until near the end. That is your biggest clue on the difference between our factions. It isn’t the cave.
I really don’t want to give out tips. I enjoy the high win rate. But it basically comes down to your entire team needs to be on board to go smash face to face with us.
there were 2 start points for both factions when the map was designed. blizzard used the 1 you see now because horde were the minority faction in vanilla
It doesn’t necessarily matter who can reach where faster. What is much more important is how defensible said place is. And in that regard SHGY is a complete joke compared to IBGY. That is the real issue.
Balinda is a joke compared to Galv, SHB is in the middle of nowhere and offers to no strategic value where as IBT covers bottle neck approach to IBGY. SHGY itself has two wide open approaches and the spawn point itself is bottle necked to keep alliance from getting out. Once again compared to IBGY which has a bottle neck single point of defense covered by two towers and the GY has a back door so spawners can escape.
And once horde take SHGY, which is much easier to take than IBGY, the hill leading up to IWB is one of the best choke points in the game and keeps alliance from ever getting south again.
Yep this is the issue right here. The end. This is why alliance lose consistently.